A comparative study on the thermomechanical properties of polymeric nanocomposites incorporating single, mixed, and hybrid nanofillers
Fatolahi A.R., Ghanbari Y., Khoramishad H., da Silva L.F.M.
Polymer Composites2025DOI
A unified strain energy-based fatigue life prediction methodology for composite and metal adhesive joints: Effects of adhesive, geometry and, environment
Castro Sousa F., Akhavan-Safar A., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Composites Part B: Engineering2025DOI
Detecting and assessing weak adhesion in structural single lap joints using a machine learning pipeline with lamb waves data
Ramalho G.M.F., Lopes A.M., da Silva L.F.M.
Neural Computing and Applications2025DOI
Effect of bonding defects on heat transfer and creep response of microprocessor-heatsink adhesive joints
Gutiérrez-Posada V., Akhavan-Safar A., Simões B.D., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics2025DOI
Experimental behaviour and fatigue life prediction of bonded joints subjected to variable amplitude fatigue
Castro Sousa F., Akhavan-Safar A., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Fatigue2025DOI
Failure behavior of hole hemmed joints with a novel configuration for hybrid busbars in electric vehicle batteries
da Silva B.F.A., Kasaei M.M., Akhavan-Safar A., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Engineering Failure Analysis2025DOI
Functionally Graded Impact Attenuator Using Bonded Construction
dos Reis M.Q., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Applied Research2025DOI
A comprehensive review of the S-N fatigue behaviour of adhesive joints
Sousa F.C.; Zamani P.; Akhavan-Safar A.; da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes2024DOI
A flexible tool for joining dissimilar materials by the novel hole hemming process
Conceição, A.G.C., Kasaei, M.M., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines2024DOI
A method for determining initial strip width in roll forming of thick-walled steel pipes
Arjmandi M.R.K., Naeini H.M., Kasaei M.M., Abbaszadeh B., Firouzjaei M.K., da Silva L.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture2024DOI
A novel joining technology for hybrid busbars in electric vehicle batteries
da Costa D.P.M., Kasaei M.M., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Thin-Walled Structures2024DOI
A novel joining technology for metal and polymer sheets
Kasaei M.M.; Carbas R.J.C.; Marques E.A.S.; da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes2024DOI
A Novel Technique for Substrate Toughening in Wood Single Lap Joints Using a Zero-Thickness Bio-Adhesive
Jalali S.; Borges C.D.S.P.; Carbas R.J.C.; Marques E.A.D.S.; Akhavan-Safar A.; Barbosa A.S.O.F.; Bordado J.C.M.; da Silva L.F.M.
Advanced Materials Modelling in Joining by Plastic Deformation
Kasaei M.M., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Advancements in mechanical characterization techniques and environmental effects on bi-material interfaces in microelectronics: a literature review
Ferreira R.A.; Akhavan-Safar A.; Carbas R.J.C.; Marques E.A.S.; Karunamurthy B.; da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2024DOI
Analytical model for static and cyclic creep behavior of pressure-sensitive adhesives
Fernandes É.M.D.; Simões B.D.; Marques E.A.S.; Carbas R.J.C.; Maul S.; Stihler P.; Weissgraeber P.; da Silva L.F.M.
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures2024DOI
Assessing critical fracture energy in mode I for bonded composite joints: A numerical–experimental approach with uncertainty analysis
Beck R.; da Silva J.A.P.; da Silva L.F.M.; Tita V.; de Medeiros R.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2024DOI
Bio-Inspired Helicoidal Composite Structure Featuring Graded Variable Ply Pitch under Transverse Tensile Loading
Malekinejad H.; Carbas R.J.C.; Akhavan-Safar A.; Marques E.A.S.; Ferreira M.; da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Composites Science2024DOI
Cohesive Properties of Bimaterial Interfaces in Semiconductors: Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation Using an Inverse Cohesive Contact Approach
Adler C.; Morais P.; Akhavan-Safar A.; Carbas R.J.C.; Marques E.A.S.; Karunamurthy B.; da Silva L.F.M.
Corrigendum to “Failure analysis of adhesively bonded joints using a modulatory damage model” [Eng. Fail. Anal. 163 (2024) 108602] (Engineering Failure Analysis (2024) 163(PB), (S1350630724006484), (10.1016/j.engfailanal.2024.108602))
Khabaz-Aghdam A.; Dizaji S.A.; Choupani N.; da Silva L.F.M.
Engineering Failure Analysis2024DOI
Creep behaviour of adhesively bonded joints: A comprehensive review
Carneiro Neto R.M.; Akhavan-Safar A.; Sampaio E.M.; Simões B.D.; Vignoli L.L.; da Silva L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2024DOI
Delamination prevention of composite joints with asymmetric carbon-fiber reinforced plastic adherends
Pires V.D.C.; Carbas R.J.C.; Marques E.A.S.; da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Composite Materials2024DOI
Development of a Cyclic Creep Testing Station Tailored to Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives
Simões B.D.; Fernandes É.M.D.; Marques E.A.S.; Carbas R.J.C.; Maul S.; Stihler P.; Weißgraeber P.; da Silva L.F.M.
Development of a Unified Specimen for Adhesive Characterization—Part 2: Experimental Study on the Mode I (mDCB) and II (ELS) Fracture Components
Correia D.S.; Costa I.D.; Marques E.A.S.; Carbas R.J.C.; da Silva L.F.M.
Development of productive curing processes for the manufacturing of adhesively bonded milling tools
Gomes, P.N., Correia, D.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Das Neves, P.J.C., Afonso, W.P., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2024DOI
Direct cohesive law measurement under mixed-mode loading using semi-circular bend (SCB) specimens
Akhavan-Safar A.; Ajdani A.; da Silva L.F.M.; Ayatollahi M.R.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2024DOI
da Silva L.F.M.; Kumar D.R.; Vaz F.; Carbas R.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture2024DOI
Editorial Part C Mech Science applications of adhesive bonding 2022
da Silva L.F.M.; Adams R.D.; Sato C.; Dilger K.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science2024DOI
Effect of the Infill Density on 3D-Printed Geometrically Graded Impact Attenuators
dos Reis M.Q., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Effects of a Novel Three-Dimensional-Printed Wood–Polylactic Acid Interlayer on the Mode II Delamination of Composites
Salamat-Talab M., Kazemi H., Akhavan-Safar A., Malekinejad H., Carbas R.J.C., da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Composites Science2024DOI
Effects of cyclic ageing frequencies on the ageing and mechanical behaviour of adhesive materials: Experimental analysis and numerical study
Moazzami M.; Akhavan-Safar A.; Ayatollahi M.R.; Poulis J.A.; da Silva L.F.M.; De Freitas S.T.
Marine Structures2024DOI
Energy release rate in bimaterial specimens tested in pure modes I and II
Mujika F.; Tsokanas P.; Arrese A.; da Silva L.F.M.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics2024DOI
Experimental and numerical investigation of adhesively bonded additive manufactured sandwich structures with a pyramidal lattice core
Bühring, J., Zimmermann, J., Sadeghi, M.Z., Akhavan-Safar, A., Da Silva, L.F.M., Schröder, K.-U.
Journal of Adhesion2024DOI
Experimental and numerical investigation on the crashworthiness performance of double hat-section Al-CFRP beam subjected to quasi-static bending test
Bidadi J.; Hampaiyan Miandowab H.; Saeidi Googarchin H.; Akhavan-Safar A.; da Silva L.F.M.
Polymer Composites2024DOI
Experimental and numerical study on mechanical behavior of 3D printed adhesive joints with polycarbonate substrates
Öztürk F.H.; Marques E.A.S.; Carbas R.J.C.; da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science2024DOI
Experimental study on toughening UV pre-curing adhesives for electrically conductive applications
Correia D.S.; de Sousa R.J.F.; Gomes P.N.; Carbas R.J.C.; Marques E.A.S.; da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2024DOI
Experiments and modelling of competitive failure behaviour of CFRP stepped-lap repairs with different design parameters
Han X.; Hu M.; Wang Y.; Liu B.; da Silva L.F.M.; Guo X.
Thin-Walled Structures2024DOI
Exploring Bio-Based Polyurethane Adhesives for Eco-Friendly Structural Applications: An Experimental and Numerical Study
Couto A.M.S., Borges C.S.P., Jalali S., Simões B.D., Marques E.A.S., Carbas R.J.C., Bordado J.C., Vallée T., da Silva L.F.M.
Exploring strain rate variation in the adhesive layer during constant speed mode I fracture tests: Loading speed and test temperature effects
Ribas M.; Akhavan-Safar A.; Adam-Cottard P.; Carbas R.J.C.; Marques E.A.S.; Wenig S.; da Silva L.F.M.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics2024DOI
Failure analysis of adhesively bonded joints using a modulatory damage model
Khabaz-Aghdam A.; Dizaji S.A.; Choupani N.; da Silva L.F.M.
Engineering Failure Analysis2024DOI
Fatigue analysis of novel hole hemmed joints for hybrid busbars in electric vehicle batteries
da Silva B.F.A., Kasaei M.M., Akhavan-Safar A., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics2024DOI
Fracture Analysis of Highly Flexible Adhesives: Cohesive Zone Modelling across a Wide Spectrum of Temperatures and Strain Rates
Nunes T., Ribas M.J.P., Akhavan-Safar A., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., Wenig S., da Silva L.F.M.
Fracture energy and cohesive law analysis of adhesives using a recently developed SCB joint: The influence of joint geometry and mode mixity
Ajdani A.; Akhavan-Safar A.; Jalali S.; da Silva L.F.M.; Ayatollahi M.R.
International Journal of Solids and Structures2024DOI
Impact of in vitro findings on clinical protocols for the adhesion of CAD-CAM blocks: A systematic integrative review and meta-analysis
Calheiros-Lobo, M.J., Carbas, R., da Silva, L.F.M., Pinho, T.
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry2024DOI
Impact of surface preparation method on the fracture toughness of adhesive joints subjected to diverse loading modes
Neto R.M.C.; Vogas E.F.; Akhavan-Safar A.; Carbas R.J.C.; Sampaio E.M.; da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2024DOI
Impact of the Manufacturing Process on the Flexural Properties of Laminated Composite-Metal Riveted Joints: Experimental and Numerical Studies
Zeinedini A.; Hosseini Y.; Mahdi A.S.; Akhavan-Safar A.; da Silva L.F.M.
Applied Composite Materials2024DOI
Impact strength improvement of adhesively bonded structures using natural date palm tree fibers
Miri, M., Ayatollahi, M.R., Akhavan-Safar, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures2024DOI
Improvement of material flow in tube hydroforming by advanced sealing methods
Kasaei, M.M., Naeini, H.M., Abbaszadeh, B., Hashemi, S.J., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture2024DOI
Investigation of geometric and material effects on the fatigue performance of composite and steel adhesive joints
Sousa F.C.; Akhavan-Safar A.; Carbas R.J.C.; Marques E.A.S.; Goyal R.; Jennings J.; da Silva L.F.M.
Composite Structures2024DOI
Mechanical characterisation and high temperature analysis of hyperelastic adhesives – Modelling and experimental validation
Simón-Portillo F.J., Marques E.A.S., Fabra-Rodriguez M., da Silva L.F.M., Sánchez-Lozano M.
Composite Structures2024DOI
Mechanism of toughness enhancement of brittle fracture by intermittent Eta-intermetallic in Al/Cu joint made by FSW
Beygi R.; Carbas R.J.C.; Marques E.A.S.; Barbosa A.Q.; Kasaei M.M.; da Silva L.F.M.
Materials Science and Engineering: A2024DOI
Microscale modeling of the ductile fracture behavior of thin stainless steel sheets
Karimi Firouzjaei M.; Moslemi Naeini H.; Kasaei M.M.; Mirnia M.J.; da Silva L.F.
Thin-Walled Structures2024DOI
Mixed mode fatigue crack growth and fatigue threshold analysis in polyurethane adhesives at elevated temperatures
Ribas M.; Akhavan-Safar A.; Carbas R.J.C.; Marques E.A.S.; Wenig S.; da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Fatigue2024DOI
Mode I Fatigue and Fracture Assessment of Polyimide–Epoxy and Silicon–Epoxy Interfaces in Chip-Package Components
Morais P.; Akhavan-Safar A.; Carbas R.J.C.; Marques E.A.S.; Karunamurthy B.; da Silva L.F.M.
Mode I fatigue threshold energy assessment of a polyurethane adhesive: effects of temperature and Paris law relation
Santos, D., Akhavan-Safar, A., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Wenig, S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2024DOI
Mode-I and II fracture behavior of metal-to-composite bonded interfaces with a graphene nanoplatelet-reinforced structural epoxy adhesive
Javanmard Sistani A.; Shariati M.; Zamani P.; da Silva L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2024DOI
Numerical and experimental analysis of shear strength on SLM 3D-printed stainless-steel bonded joints enhanced by bio-inspired surface pattern
Naat N., Belhadjamor M., Mezlini S., da Silva L.F.M., Hajlaoui K.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2024DOI
Parametric investigation of bonded composite joints under Mode II using a new methodology based on design of experiments
da Silva, J.A.P., da Silva, L.F.M., Ferreira, A.J.M., Tita, V., De Medeiros, R.
Journal of Adhesion2024DOI
Pattern recognition in electromechanical impedance spectroscopy damage detection of adhesive joints using multidimensional scaling
Francisco A.; Tenreiro G.; Lopes A.M.; da Silva L.F.M.
Structural Health Monitoring2024DOI
Predicting the Adhesive Layer Thickness in Hybrid Joints Involving Pre-Tensioned Bolts
Ricca F., Galindo-Rosales F.J., Akhavan-Safar A., da Silva L.F.M., Fkyerat T., Yokozeki K., Vallée T., Evers T.
Skin thickness effects on failure mechanisms in foam infilled composite sandwich structures
Malekinejad H.; Farrokhabadi A.; Rahimi G.H.; Carbas R.; Marques E.A.S.; da Silva L.
Journal of Composite Materials2024DOI
Special issue on joint design
da Silva L.F.M.; Adams R.D.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2024DOI
Study of CFRP Laminate Gradually Modified throughout the Thickness Using Thin Ply under Transvers Tensile Loading
Malekinejad H.; Ramezani F.; Carbas R.J.C.; Marques E.A.S.; da Silva L.F.M.
Study of Hybrid Composite Joints with Thin-ply-reinforced Adherends under High-rate and Impact Loadings
Ramezani F.; Carbas R.J.C.; Marques E.A.S.; Silva L.F.M.D.
Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics2024DOI
Study of the effect of bio-inspired surface texture on the shear strength of bonded 3D-printed materials: Comparison between stainless steel and polycarbonate joints
Naat N.; Boutar Y.; Mezlini S.; da Silva L.F.M.; Alrasheedi N.H.; Hajlaoui K.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2024DOI
Study on out-of-plane tensile strength of angle-plied reinforced hybrid CFRP laminates using thin-ply
Ramezani, F., Carbas, R., Marques, E.A.S., Ferreira, A.M., da Silva, L.F.M.
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures2024DOI
Study on the influence of water ingress on the interface of high strength zinc coated steels and epoxy adhesives
Borges C.S.P.; Sousa J.D.P.; Marques E.A.S.; Carbas R.J.C.; Chaleix D.; Gilbert F.; Pirart J.; Rachiele L.; Laffineur F.; da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2024DOI
Tensile Strength and Mode I Fracture Toughness of Polymer Concretes Enhanced with Glass Fibers and Metal Chips
Salamat-Talab M.; Zeinolabedin-Beygi A.; Soltani F.; Akhavan-Safar A.; Carbas R.J.C.; da Silva L.F.M.
The effect of recycled date palm tree fibers on the impact fatigue and residual static strength of adhesively bonded joints
Miri M.; Ayatollahi M.R.; Akhavan-Safar A.; da Silva L.F.M.
Composite Structures2024DOI
3D Printing of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene by Fused Deposition Modeling: Artificial Neural Network and Response Surface Method Analyses
Moradi, M., Beygi, R., Mohd. Yusof, N., Amiri, A., da Silva, L.F.M., Sharif, S.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance2023DOI
A degradable mode I cohesive zone model developed for damage and fracture analysis of dissimilar composite/metal adhesive joints subjected to cyclic ageing conditions
Moazzami, M., Akhavan-Safar, A., Ayatollahi, M.R., Poulis, J.A., da Silva, L.F.M., Teixeira De Freitas, S.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics2023DOI
A microscale constitutive model for thin stainless steel sheets considering size effect
Firouzjaei, M.K., Naeini, H.M., Kasaei, M.M., Mirnia, M.J., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2023DOI
A new technique to measure shear fracture toughness of adhesives using tensile load
Safaei, S., Akhavan-Safar, A., Jalalvand, M., da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Solids and Structures2023DOI
A Novel Lap-Butt Joint Design for FSW of Aluminum to Steel in Tee-Configuration: Joining Mechanism, Intermetallic Formation, and Fracture Behavior
Beygi R., Talkhabi A.A., Mehrizi M.Z., Marques E.A.S., Carbas R.J.C., da Silva L.F.M.
A Parametric Study on the Effect of FSW Parameters and the Tool Geometry on the Tensile Strength of AA2024–AA7075 Joints: Microstructure and Fracture
Beygi, R., Zarezadeh Mehrizi, M., Akhavan-Safar, A., Mohammadi, S., da Silva, L.F.M.
A Polymer-Infiltrated Ceramic as Base Adherent in an Experimental Specimen Model to Test the Shear Bond Strength of CAD-CAM Monolithic Ceramics Used in Resin-Bonded Dental Bridges
Calheiros-Lobo, M.J., Calheiros-Lobo, J.M., Carbas, R., da Silva, L.F.M., Pinho, T.
A progressive damage model to predict the shear and mixed-mode low-cycle impact fatigue life of adhesive joints using cohesive elements
Eghbalpoor, R., Akhavan-Safar, A., Jalali, S., Ayatollahi, M.R., da Silva, L.F.M.
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design2023DOI
A review on mechanical and metallurgical joining by plastic deformation
Kasaei M.M., Beygi R., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Discover Mechanical Engineering2023DOI
A study of the fracture mechanisms of hybrid carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates reinforced by thin-ply
Ramezani, F., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Ferreira, A.M., da Silva, L.F.M.
Polymer Composites2023DOI
Adhesive Bonding Technology and Testing
Camilo Carbas, R.J., Sousa Marques, E.A., Ahkavan-Safar, A., Queirós Barbosa, A.S.O., da Silva, L.F.M.
An Exploratory Study on Determining and Modeling the Creep Behavior of an Acrylic Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive
Simões, B.D., Fernandes, É.M.D., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Maul, S., Stihler, P., Weißgraeber, P., da Silva, L.F.M.
An update on the development of techniques for the determination and modelling of the impact behaviour of adhesives and bonded structures used in the automotive sector
Nunes, P.D.P., Marques, E.A.D.S., Akhavan-Safar, A., Borges, C.D.S.P., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering2023DOI
Analysis of the Mechanical Performance and Durability of Adhesively Bonded Joints Used in the Milling Tool Industry
de Sousa, R.J.F., Gomes, P.N., Correia, D.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., das Neves, P.J.C., Afonso, W.P., da Silva, L.F.M.
Applied Sciences2023DOI
Applications of adhesive bonding
da Silva L.F.M.; Adams R.D.; Sato C.; Dilger K.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering2023DOI
Assessing the research and teaching performance of the mechanical engineering teaching staff at FEUP
Lopes, A.M., da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education2023DOI
Assessing Weak Adhesion in Single Lap Joints Using Lamb Waves and Machine Learning Methods for Structural Health Monitoring
Ramalho, G.M.F., Lopes, A.M., da Silva, L.F.M.
Applied Sciences2023DOI
Buttering for FSW: Enhancing the fracture toughness of Al-Fe intermetallics through nanocrystallinity and suppressing their growth
Beygi, R., Carbas, R.J.C., Barbosa, A.Q., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Manufacturing Processes2023DOI
Characterization of Bending Strength in Similar and Dissimilar Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer/Aluminum Single-Lap Adhesive Joints
Bidadi J.; Saeidi Googarchin H.; Akhavan-Safar A.; Carbas R.J.C.; da Silva L.F.M.
Applied Sciences2023DOI
Characterization of Densified Pine Wood and a Zero-Thickness Bio-Based Adhesive for Eco-Friendly Structural Applications
Jalali S.; Borges C.D.S.P.; Carbas R.J.C.; Marques E.A.D.S.; Bordado J.C.M.; da Silva L.F.M.
Cohesive zone models for the shear creep life assessment of bonded joints
Carneiro Neto, R.M., de Medeiros Sales, F., Sampaio, E.M., Akhavan-Safar, A., de Assis, J.T., da Silva, L.F.M.
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials2023DOI
Combined effect of seawater and load on methacrylate adhesive
Rodríguez-Dopico, F.J., Carbas, R.J.C., Borges, C.S.P., Tarrío-Saavedra, J., da Silva, L.F.M., García, A.Á.
Comparative assessment of TiN thin films created by plasma deposition technique on the surface features of NiCr alloys for dental applications
Cerqueira, N.D.C., Balica, N.M.P., Borges, W.F.A., de Sousa, G.M.R., Pupim, D., Radi, P.A., Do Nascimento, R.M., Silva, A.R., da Silva, L.F.M., Costa, T.H.C., E Silva, H.S., Nunes, L.C.C., de Sousa, R.R.M., Santos, R.L.P.
Revista Materia2023DOI
Compliance Methods For Bonded Joints: Part I - Investigation Of The Standardized Methods To Obtain The Strain Energy Release Rate For Mode I
Madureira, F., da Silva, L.F.M., Tita, V.
Journal of Adhesion2023DOI
Compliance Methods For Bonded Joints: Part II - Investigation Of The Equivalent Crack Methodology To Obtain The Strain Energy Release Rate For Mode I
Madureira, F., da Silva, L.F.M., Tita, V.
Journal of Adhesion2023DOI
Cyclic aging analysis of CFRP and GFRP composite laminates
Moazzami, M., Ayatollahi, M.R., Akhavan-Safar, A., Teixeira de Freitas, S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Composite Materials2023DOI
Damage Metrics for Void Detection in Adhesive Single-Lap Joints
Tenreiro A.F.G.; Lopes A.M.; da Silva L.F.M.
Deformation length in flexible roll forming
Badparva, H., Naeini, H.M., Kasaei, M.M., Asl, Y.D., Abbaszadeh, B., da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology2023DOI
Determination of Mode I cohesive law of structural adhesives using the direct method
Simões, B.D., Nunes, P.D.P., Henriques, B.S., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2023DOI
Development and Study of a New Silane Based Polyurethane Hybrid Flexible Adhesive—Part 1: Mechanical Characterization
Rodrigues V.C.M.B.; Marques E.A.S.; Carbas R.J.C.; Youngberg M.; Dussaud A.; Beygi R.; Da Silva L.F.M.
Development of a Unified Specimen for Adhesive Characterisation—Part 1: Numerical Study on the Mode I (mDCB) and II (ELS) Fracture Components
Correia, D.S., Costa, I.D., Simões, B.D., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Development of hybrid bonded-hole hemmed joints: Process design and joint characterization
Haran-Nogueira, A., Kasaei, M.M., Akhavan-Safar, A., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Kim, S.K., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Manufacturing Processes2023DOI
Developments in Laminate Modification of Adhesively Bonded Composite Joints
Ramezani, F., Simões, B.D., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Ductile Fracture Prediction in Hole Hemming of Aluminum and Magnesium Sheets
Kasaei, M.M., Pereira, J.A.C., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
da Silva, L.F.M., Ferreira, A.M.
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education2023DOI
Editorial of International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education
da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education2023DOI
Effect of Alloying Elements on Intermetallic Formation during Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Metals: A Critical Review on Aluminum/Steel
Beygi, R., Galvão, I., Akhavan-Safar, A., Pouraliakbar, H., Fallah, V., da Silva, L.F.M.
Effect of bio-inspired surface texture on the resistance of 3D-printed polycarbonate bonded joints
Naat, N., Boutar, Y., Naïmi, S., Mezlini, S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2023DOI
Effect of mechanical properties and geometric dimensions on electromechanical impedance signatures for adhesive joint integrity monitoring
Tenreiro, A.F.G., Lopes, A.M., da Silva, L.F.M., Amorim, J.D.P.
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures2023DOI
Effect of surface texture on the mechanical performance of bonded joints: a review
Naat, N., Boutar, Y., Naïmi, S., Mezlini, S., Da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2023DOI
Effect of surfactant contamination on the properties of aluminum/silicone adhesive joints
Brandão, R., Borges, C.S.P., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Akhavan-Safar, A., Nunes, P.D.P., Ueffing, C., Weissgraeber, P., Schmid, F., da Silva, L.F.M.
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures2023DOI
Effect of the Interface/Interphase on the Water Ingress Properties of Joints with PBT-GF30 and Aluminum Substrates Using Silicone Adhesive
Borges, C.S.P., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Akhavan-Safar, A., Ueffing, C., Weißgraeber, P., da Silva, L.F.M.
Effect of Through-the-Thickness Delamination Position on the R-Curve Behavior of Plain-Woven ENF Specimens
Salamat-Talab, M., Akhavan-Safar, A., Zeinolabedin-Beygi, A., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Effectiveness of Self-Adhesive Resin Luting Cement in CAD-CAM Blocks—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Calheiros-Lobo, M.J., Vieira, T., Carbas, R., da Silva, L.F.M., Pinho, T.
Effects of ageing frequency on the interfacial failure and tensile properties of adhesively bonded Arcan joints exposed to cyclic ageing environments
da Costa, J.A., Akhavan-Safar, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering2023DOI
Effects of low cycle impact fatigue on the residual mode II fracture energy of adhesively bonded joints
Akhavan-Safar, A., Jalali, S., da Silva, L.F.M., Ayatollahi, M.R.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2023DOI
Effects of Mode Mixity and Loading Rate on Fracture Behavior of Cracked Thin-Walled 304L Stainless Steel Sheets with Large Non-Linear Plastic Deformation
Bidadi J.; Saeidi Googarchin H.; Akhavan-Safar A.; da Silva L.F.M.
Enhancing Fatigue Life and Strength of Adhesively Bonded Composite Joints: A Comprehensive Review
Malekinejad, H., Carbas, R.J.C., Akhavan-Safar, A., Marques, E.A.S., Castro Sousa, F., da Silva, L.F.M.
Experimental study on the influence of environmental conditions on the fatigue behaviour of adhesive joints
Castro Sousa, F., Akhavan-Safar, A., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Barbosa, A.Q., da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Fatigue2023DOI
Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) Model for the Damage Mechanisms Present in Joints Bonded Using Adhesives Doped with Inorganic Fillers
Santos J.P.J.R.; Correia D.S.; Marques E.A.S.; Carbas R.J.C.; Gilbert F.; da Silva L.F.M.
Failure analysis of hybrid bonded-hole hemmed joints for dissimilar materials
Haran-Nogueira, A., Kasaei, M.M., Akhavan-Safar, A., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Thin-Walled Structures2023DOI
Fatigue life evaluation of Al-GFRP bonded lap joints under four-point bending using strain-life criteria
Zamani, P., Jaamialahmadi, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2023DOI
Feasibility study on hybrid weld-bonding between dissimilar material for automotive industry
Nonnenmann, T., Beygi, R., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M., Öchsner, A.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2023DOI
Fracture prediction of AA6061-T6 sheet in bending process using Gurson–Tvergaard–Needleman model
Khademi, M., Naeini, H.M., Mirnia, M.J., Kasaei, M.M., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2023DOI
From fundamental concepts to recent developments in the adhesive bonding technology: a general view
Borges C.S.P., Akhavan-Safar A., Tsokanas P., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Discover Mechanical Engineering2023DOI
From High Strain Rates to Elevated Temperatures: Investigating Mixed-Mode Fracture Behaviour in a Polyurethane Adhesive
Ribas M.J.P., Akhavan-Safar A., Pigray N., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., Borges C.S.P., Wenig S., da Silva L.F.M.
Identifying Weak Adhesion in Single-Lap Joints Using Lamb Wave Data and Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
Ramalho, G.M.F., M. Lopes, A., Carbas, R.J.C., Da Silva, L.F.M.
Applied Sciences2023DOI
Impact Fatigue Life of Adhesively Bonded Composite-Steel Joints Enhanced with the Bi-Adhesive Technique
Akhavan-Safar, A., Eisaabadi Bozchaloei, G., Jalali, S., Beygi, R., Ayatollahi, M.R., da Silva, L.F.M.
Improving joint performance through graded materials and geometries
Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Akhavan-Safar, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Influence of bio-inspired surface texture of additively manufactured 17-4 PH stainless steel adherends on the strength of adhesively bonded joints
Naat, N., Boutar, Y., Naïmi, S., Mezlini, S., da Silva, L.F.M., Bashiri, A.H.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2023DOI
Influence of void damage on the electromechanical impedance spectra of Single Lap Joints
Tenreiro, A.F.G., Lopes, A.M., da Silva, L.F.M., Carbas, R.J.C.
NDT and E International2023DOI
Influence of water and surfactant contamination on the mechanical and chemical properties of a silicone adhesive before and after curing
Borges, C.S.P., Brandão, R., Akhavan-Safar, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Ueffing, C., Weissgraeber, P., Schmid, F., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2023DOI
Joining magnesium and aluminum alloy sheets by a novel hole hemming process
Pereira, J.A.C., Kasaei, M.M., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Lim, H., da Silva, L.F.M.
Thin-Walled Structures2023DOI
Load-control vs. displacement-control strategy in fatigue threshold analysis of adhesives: Effects of temperature
Santos, D., Akhavan-Safar, A., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Wenig, S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics2023DOI
Loading rate effects on mixed-mode I/II fracture envelope of epoxy resins with nonlinear behavior
Bidadi, J., Saeidi Googarchin, H., Akhavan-Safar, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics2023DOI
Magnetic cork particles as reinforcement in an epoxy resin: effect of size and amount on thermal properties
Abenojar, J., Lopez de Armentia, S., Barbosa, A.Q., Martinez, M.A., del Real, J.C., da Silva, L.F.M., Velasco, F.
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry2023DOI
Methodology for the mechanical characterisation of hyperelastic adhesives. Experimental validation on joints of different thicknesses
Simón-Portillo F.J.; Abellán-López D.; Arán F.; da Silva L.F.M.; Sánchez-Lozano M.
Polymer Testing2023DOI
Mode decoupling in interlaminar fracture toughness tests on bimaterial specimens
Mujika, F., Tsokanas, P., Arrese, A., Valvo, P.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics2023DOI
Numerical Design of a Thread-Optimized Gripping System for Lap Joint Testing in a Split Hopkinson Apparatus
Moreira, B.S., Nunes, P.D.P., da Silva, C.M., Tenreiro, A.F.G., Lopes, A.M., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Parente, M.P.L., da Silva, L.F.M.
On the influence of joining processes on the vibration of structures
Millan P.; Tenreiro A.F.G.; Amorim J.D.P.; Kasaei M.M.; Beygi R.; Ambrósio J.; da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes2023DOI
Predicting adhesive bond performance
Akhavan-Safar, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Rheological and Mechanical Properties of an Acrylic PSA
Simões, B.D., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Maul, S., Stihler, P., Weißgraeber, P., da Silva, L.F.M.
Shear Bond Strength of Simulated Single-Retainer Resin-Bonded Bridges Made of Four CAD/CAM Materials for Maxillary Lateral Incisor Agenesis Rehabilitation
Calheiros-Lobo M.J.; Calheiros-Lobo J.M.; Carbas R.; Da Silva L.F.M.; Pinho T.
European Journal of Dentistry2023DOI
Special issue: Adhesive bonding
da Silva, L.F.M., Martins, P., Reisgen, U.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering2023DOI
Special Issue: Fourth International Conference on Materials Design and Applications 2022 (MDA 2022)
da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2023DOI
Strength of dissimilar adhesively bonded DCB joints and its connection with the failure pressure of composite repair systems
Reis, J.M.L., Menezes, E.M., da Costa Mattos, H.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A., Silva, L.F.M.
Composite Structures2023DOI
Structural monitoring of adhesive joints using machine learning
Tenreiro, A.F.G., Ramalho, G.M.F., Lopes, A.M., da Silva, L.F.M.
Study of Hybrid Composite Joints with Thin-Ply-Reinforced Adherends
Ramezani, F., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Sustainable Development Approaches through Wooden Adhesive Joints Design
Borges, C.S.P., Jalali, S., Tsokanas, P., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Testing method to determine the strength and fracture toughness of adhesives in a single continuous test
Borges C.S.P.; Marques E.A.S.; Carbas R.J.C.; Akhavan-Safar A.; Ueffing C.; Weißgraeber P.; da Silva L.F.M.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics2023DOI
The Development and Study of a New Silylated Polyurethane-Based Flexible Adhesive—Part 2: Joint Testing and Numerical Modelling
Rodrigues V.C.M.B.; Marques E.A.S.; Carbas R.J.C.; Youngberg M.; Dussaud A.; Beygi R.; da Silva L.F.M.
The Effect of Rubber Hardness on the Channel Depth of the Metallic Bipolar Plates Fabricated by Rubber Pad Forming
Talebi-Ghadikolaee, H., Elyasi, M., Shahgaldi, S., Seddighi, S., Kasaei, M.M., da Silva, L.F.M.
The Effect of Tool Rotation Speed on the Formation of Eutectic Structure during Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum to Magnesium
Torabi K., Beygi R., Eisaabadi Bozchaloei G., da Silva L.F.M.
Applied Sciences2023DOI
The interaction of loading mode and humidity on the properties degradation of an epoxy adhesive subjected to strength, fracture, and fatigue tests
de Castro Lopes, F.V.B., Akhavan-Safar, A., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Goyal, R., Jennings, J., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science2023DOI
The reduction of stress concentrations in adhesive joints with the use of curved aluminum adherends
Pires V.D.C.; Ribeiro F.C.C.; Carbas R.J.C.; Marques E.A.S.; da Silva L.F.M.
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures2023DOI
The role of loading mode on the property degradation of adhesives at high temperatures
de Castro Lopes, F.V.B., Akhavan-Safar, A., Carbas, R.J.C., Marque, E.A.S., Goyal, R., Jennings, J., da Silva, L.F.M.
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures2023DOI
A comprehensive review on structural joining techniques in the marine industry
Delzendehrooy, F., Akhavan-Safar, A., Barbosa, A.Q., Beygi, R., Cardoso, D., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Composite Structures2022DOI
A customized shear traction separation law for cohesive zone modelling of creep loaded ENF adhesive joints
Carneiro Neto, R.M., Akhavan-Safar, A., Sampaio, E.M., Assis, J.T., da Silva, L.F.M.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics2022DOI
A review of structural health monitoring of bonded structures using electromechanical impedance spectroscopy
Tenreiro, A.F.G., Lopes, A.M., da Silva, L.F.M.
Structural Health Monitoring2022DOI
A review on bi-adhesive joints: Benefits and challenges
Akhavan-Safar, A., Ramezani, F., Delzendehrooy, F., Ayatollahi, M.R., da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2022DOI
Adhesively bonded polymer composite joints
Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Akhavan-Safar, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Assessment of the creep life of adhesively bonded joints using the end notched flexure samples
Carneiro Neto, R.M., Akhavan-Safar, A., Sampaio, E.M., Assis, J.T., da Silva, L.F.M.
Engineering Failure Analysis2022DOI
Characterization of the Effect of Hollow Glass Beads on the Mechanical Properties of Structural Adhesives
Santos, J.P.J.R., Correia, D.S., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Gilbert, F., da Silva, L.F.M.
Characterizing Academic Engineering Research Groups: A Case Study of the Advanced Joining Processes Unit
Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering2022DOI
Cohesive Zone Modelling-CZM
Akhavan-Safar, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Comparative Study Between Stainless Steel and Carbon Steel During Dissimilar Friction Stir Welding with Aluminum: Kinetics of Al–Fe Intermetallic Growth
Beygi, R., Carbas, R., Queiros, A., Marques, E.A.S., Shi, R., da Silva, L.F.M.
Metals and Materials International2022DOI
Correlating entrance data and first year academic performance of students enrolled in the Integrated Master in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Porto
Duarte, T.M.G.P., Lopes, A.M., Silva, L.F.M.D.
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education2022DOI
Cyclic ageing of adhesive materials
da Costa, J.A., Akhavan-Safar, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2022DOI
Damage Classification Methodology Utilizing Lamb Waves and Artificial Neural Networks
Ramalho, G.M.F., Barbosa, M.R.S.P., Lopes, A.M., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Testing and Evaluation2022DOI
Data Based Simulation
Beygi, R., Marques, E., da Silva, L.F.M.
Development and Characterisation of Joints with Novel Densified and Wood/Cork Composite Substrates
Corte-Real, L.M.R.M., Jalali, S., Borges, C.S.P., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Development of a Multi-Station Creep Machine for Adhesive Joint Testing
Bezerra, G.N., Lopes, A.M., Moreira da Silva, C.M.S., da Silva, L.F.M., Nunes, P.D.P., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C.
Journal of Testing and Evaluation2022DOI
Development of a split Hopkinson pressure bar machine for high strain rate testing of bonded joints
Boland, A.J., Lopes, A.M., Moreira da Silva, C.M.S., Tenreiro, A.F.G., da Silva, L.F.M., Nunes, P.D.P., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C.
Journal of Testing and Evaluation2022DOI
da Silva, L.F.M., Ferreira, A.M.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering2022DOI
Effect of cyclic aging on mode I fracture energy of dissimilar metal/composite DCB adhesive joints
Moazzami, M., Ayatollahi, M.R., Akhavan-Safar, A., Teixeira De Freitas, S., Poulis, J.A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics2022DOI
Effects of natural date palm tree fibres on mode II fracture energy of E-glass/epoxy plain-woven laminated composites
Akhavan-Safar, A., Salamat-Talab, M., Delzendehrooy, F., Zeinolabedin-Beygi, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering2022DOI
Experimental and Numerical Study of Thermal Residual Stresses on Multimaterial Adherends in Single-Lap Joints
Simões, B.D., Nunes, P.D.P., Ramezani, F., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Experimental study on aluminium to tungsten carbide/polycrystalline diamond (WC/PCD) adhesive bonding for milling tools
Correia, D.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., das Neves, P.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2022DOI
Experimental study on mixing ratio effect of hybrid graphene nanoplatelet/nano-silica reinforcement on the static and fatigue life of aluminum-to-GFRP bonded joints under four-point bending
Zamani, P., FM da Silva, L., Masoudi Nejad, R., Ghahremani Moghaddam, D., Soltannia, B.
Composite Structures2022DOI
Fatigue Degradation Models
Akhavan-Safar, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Fatigue life estimation of adhesive joints at different mode mixities
Castro Sousa, F., Akhavan-Safar, A., Rakesh, G., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2022DOI
Feature extraction and visualization for damage detection on adhesive joints, utilizing lamb waves and supervised machine learning algorithms
Loreiro, V., Ramalho, G., Tenreiro, A., Lopes, A.M., da Silva, L.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science2022DOI
Geometry and adhesive optimization of single-lap adhesive joints under impact
Peres, L.M.C., Arnaud, M.F.T.D., Silva, A.F.M.V., Campilho, R.D.S.G., Machado, J.J.M., Marques, E.A.S., dos Reis, M.Q., Da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2022DOI
Heat Sources and Thermal Analysis
Beygi, R., Marques, E., da Silva, L.F.M.
Impact fatigue life improvement of bonded structures using the bi-adhesive technique
Akhavan-Safar, A., Eisaabadi B., G., Jalali, S., Beygi, R., da Silva, L.F.M.
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures2022DOI
Influence of cyclic aging on adhesive mode mixity in dissimilar composite/metal double cantilever beam joints
Moazzami, M., Ayatollahi, M.R., Akhavan-Safar, A., Teixeira De Freitas, S., Poulis, J.A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2022DOI
Influence of Date Palm Tree Fibers on the Tensile Fracture Energy of an Epoxy-based Adhesive
Akhavan-Safar, A., Delzendehrooy, F., Ayatollahi, M., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Natural Fibers2022DOI
Influence of the cure state on mechanical properties of an epoxy-based adhesive: Experimental characterization and numerical simulation
Teixeira, P., Akhavan-Safar, A., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Polymers for Advanced Technologies2022DOI
Intelligence, Beliefs on IQ and Learning Style predict Academic Performance in Mechanical Engineering Students
Najafabadi, A.J., Imani, H., Beygi, R., Lopes, A.M., da Silva, L.F.M.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering2022DOI
Akhavan-Safar, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Beygi, R., Marques, E., da Silva, L.F.M.
Investigating on the influence of multi-walled carbon nanotube and graphene nanoplatelet additives on residual strength of bonded joints subjected to partial fatigue loading
NajiMehr, H., Shariati, M., Zamani, P., da Silva, L.F.M., Ghahremani Moghadam, D.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science2022DOI
Investigation of Bonded Aluminium Fatigue Behaviour Using a Ductile Adhesive Employed in Bus Structures
Boutar, Y., Naïmi, S., Mezlini, S., Carbas, R.J.C., Da Silva, L.F.M., Ben Sik Ali, M.
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering2022DOI
Investigation of the mechanical performance of hybrid bolted-bonded joints subjected to different ageing conditions: Effect of geometrical parameters and bolt size
Delzendehrooy, F., Akhavan-Safar, A., Barbosa, A.Q., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes2022DOI
Joining sheets made from dissimilar materials by hole hemming
Kasaei, M.M., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2022DOI
Loading Rate and Temperature Interaction Effects on the Mode I Fracture Response of a Ductile Polyurethane Adhesive Used in the Automotive Industry
Perez, M., Akhavan-Safar, A., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Wenig, S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Akhavan-Safar, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Adhesively Bonded Polymer Composite Joints
Maxillary lateral incisor agenesis and microdontia: Minimally invasive symmetric and asymmetric esthetic rehabilitation
Lopes-Rocha, L., Garcez, J., Tiritan, M.E., da Silva, L.F.M., Pinho, T.
Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentaria e Cirurgia Maxilofacial2022DOI
Mechanical Characterisation and Comparison of Hyperelastic Adhesives: Modelling and Experimental Validation
Portillo, F.J.S., Sempere, Ó.C., Marques, E.A.S., Lozano, M.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics2022DOI
Numerical optimisation of bonded joints for the manufacture of edge milling tools
Correia, D.S., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., das Neves, P.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Engineering Failure Analysis2022DOI
Numerical Simulation
Akhavan-Safar, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Numerical simulations of adhesive spreading during bonding-induced squeeze
Aparecida Silva, L., Espinosa, C., Paroissien, E., Lachaud, F., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2022DOI
Numerical study of flexible tubular metal-polymer adhesive joints
Dantas, M.A., Carbas, R., Marques, E.A.S., Parente, M.P.L., Kushner, D., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2022DOI
On the prediction of the stress field in adhesive joints using a combined analytical-numerical method
Bahrami, B., Ayatollahi, M.R., Alavi, S.K., da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2022DOI
On the static and fatigue life of nano-reinforced Al-GFRP bonded joints under different dispersion treatments
Zamani, P., Alaei, M.H., da Silva, L.F.M., Ghahremani-Moghadam, D.
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures2022DOI
Processing of Al-Cu-Mg alloy by FSSP: Parametric analysis and the effect of cooling environment on microstructure evolution
Pouraliakbar, H., Beygi, R., Fallah, V., Hosseini Monazzah, A., Reza Jandaghi, M., Khalaj, G., da Silva, L.F.M., Pavese, M.
Materials Letters2022DOI
Quasi-static and intermediate test speed validation of SHPB specimens for the determination of mode I, mode II fracture toughness of structural epoxy adhesives
Nunes, P.D.P., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Akhavan-Safar, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics2022DOI
Replacing welding with adhesive bonding: An industrial case study
Antelo, J., Akhavan-Safar, A., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Goyal, R., da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2022DOI
Single and periodic overloading effects on the mode I fatigue crack growth of a ductile adhesive
Sousa, F.C., Akhavan-Safar, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics2022DOI
Special issue on adhesion, surface preparation and adhesive properties
da Silva, L.F.M., Adams, R.D.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2022DOI
Special issue: 2nd international conference on advanced joining processes 2021 (AJP 2021)
Silva, L.F.M.D., Martins, P., Reisgen, U.
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes2022DOI
Special Issue: Composite Materials
Tita, V., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2022DOI
Special Issue: Joining by plastic deformation
da Silva, L.F.M., Martins, P., Reisgen, U.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2022DOI
Special issue: Machines and components solutions and applications
Lopes, A.M., da Silva, L.F.M., da Silva, C.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science2022DOI
Structural health monitoring of adhesive joints using Lamb waves: A review
Ramalho, G.M.F., Lopes, A.M., da Silva, L.F.M.
Structural Control and Health Monitoring2022DOI
Study of the optical, thermal, morphological and mechanical characteristics of a laser weldable fiber reinforced polymer
Silva, L.R.R., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Akhavan-Safar, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Polymer Composites2022DOI
Study of the permeation to ethylene glycol in flexible tubular adhesive joints
Dantas, M.A., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Kushner, D., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Testing and Evaluation2022DOI
Summary and Conclusions
Akhavan-Safar, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Synergetic effect of adhesive bonding and welding on fracture load in hybrid joints
Nonnenmann, T., Beygi, R., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M., Öchsner, A.
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes2022DOI
The effect of graphene and graphene oxide on defective single lap adhesively bonded joints
Abdi, E., Khabaz-Aghdam, A., Hasan-nezhad, H., Behjat, B., Marques, E.A.S., Yang, Y., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Composite Materials2022DOI
The effect of prior adhesive bonding on the corrosion behavior of AA2024 FSWed single lap joints
Charalampidou, C.-M., Braga, D.F.O., Bergmann, L., Kourkoulis, S.K., da Silva, L.F.M., Infante, V., Moreira, P.M.G.P., Alexopoulos, N.D.
Mechanics of Materials2022DOI
The influence of cyclic ageing on the fatigue performance of bonded joints
da Costa, J.A., Akhavan-Safar, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Fatigue2022DOI
The influence of humidity and immersion temperature on the properties and failure mode of PBT-GF30/silicone bonded joints
Brandão, R., Borges, C.S.P., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Akhavan-Safar, A., Schmid, F., Ueffing, C., Weissgraeber, P., da Silva, L.F.M.
Composite Structures2022DOI
The influence of interfacial failure on the tensile S–N response of aged Arcan joints
da Costa, J.A., Akhavan-Safar, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science2022DOI
The joint strength of hybrid composite joints reinforced with different laminates materials
Ramezani, F., Nunes, P.D.P., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes2022DOI
The Motivation of International Mobility of Iranian Students in Portugal: Challenges and Limitations in Academia
Najafabadi, A.J., Borhanizad, S., Akhavan-Safar, A., Barbosa, A.Q., da Silva, L.F.M.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering2022DOI
Thermo-Metallurgical Modelling
Beygi, R., Marques, E., da Silva, L.F.M.
Thermomechanical Analysis in Welding
Beygi, R., Marques, E., da Silva, L.F.M.
Use of seawater to improve the static strength and fatigue life of bonded coated steel joints
Ortega-Iguña, M., Akhavan-Safar, A., Carbas, R.C.J., Sánchez-Amaya, J.M., Chludzinski, M., da Silva, L.F.M.
Polymer Degradation and Stability2022DOI
Utilizing a ductile damage criterion for fracture analysis of a dissimilar aluminum/steel joint made by friction stir welding
Beygi, R., Akhavan-Safar, A., Carbas, R., Barbosa, A.Q., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics2022DOI
A comprehensive analysis of a pseudo-brittle fracture at the interface of intermetallic of eta and steel in aluminum/steel joints made by FSW: Microstructure and fracture behavior
Beygi, R., Carbas, R.J.C., Barbosa, A.Q., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Materials Science and Engineering A2021DOI
A modified degradation technique for fatigue life assessment of adhesive materials subjected to cyclic shear loads
Akhavan-Safar, A., Monteiro, J., Carbas, R., Marques, E., Goyal, R.K., da Silva, L.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science2021DOI
A new cohesive element to model environmental degradation of adhesive joints in the rail industry
Viana, G., Carbas, R.J.C., Costa, M., Banea, M.D., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science2021DOI
A new geometry for improving the strength of single lap joints using adherend notching technique
Beigrezaee, M.J., Ayatollahi, M.R., Bahrami, B., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2021DOI
Advanced joining processes unit: A fully independent research group
Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering2021DOI
An experimental investigation on low-cycle fatigue behavior of GO-NH2-reinforced epoxy adhesive
Dabbagh, J., Behjat, B., Yazdani, M., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2021DOI
An overview of manufacturing functionally graded adhesives–Challenges and prospects
Marques J.B., Barbosa A.Q., da Silva C.I., Carbas R.J.C., da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2021DOI
Assessing the Effect of Laboratory Activities on Core Curricular Units of an Engineering Master's Program: A Multivariate Analysis
Lopes, A.M., Da Silva, L., Seabra, J.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering2021DOI
Creep behaviour of a graphene-reinforced epoxy adhesively bonded joint: experimental and numerical investigation
Khabazaghdam, A., Behjat, B., Yazdani, M., Da Silva, L.F.M., Marques, E.A.S., Shang, X.
Journal of Adhesion2021DOI
Cyclic fatigue testing: Assessment of polyurethane adhesive joints' durability for bus structures' aluminium assembly
Boutar, Y., Naïmi, S., Mezlini, S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M., Ben Sik Ali, M.
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes2021DOI
DCB tests at constant strain rate using crash-resistant epoxy adhesives: A numerical and experimental approach
Nunes, P.D.P., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Akhavan-Safar, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering2021DOI
Design of a new pneumatic impact actuator of a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) setup for tensile and compression testing of structural adhesives
Tenreiro, A.F.G., Silva, C.M., Lopes, A.M., Nunes, P.D.P., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Mechanism and Machine Theory2021DOI
Design of friction stir welding for butt joining of aluminum to steel of dissimilar thickness: heat treatment and fracture behavior
Beygi, R., Zarezadeh Mehrizi, M., Akhavan-Safar, A., Safaei, S., Loureiro, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology2021DOI
Determination of fracture toughness of an adhesive in civil engineering and interfacial damage analysis of carbon fiber reinforced polymer–steel structure bonded joints
Yang, Y., Zhao, J., Zhang, S., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Machado, J.J.M., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2021DOI
da Silva, L.F.M., Ferreira, A.M.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering2021DOI
da Silva, L.F.M.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering2021DOI
da Silva, L.F.M., Adams, R.D., Sato, C., Dilger, K.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering2021DOI
Editorial: Special issue on applications of adhesive bonding
da Silva, L.F.M., Adams, R.D., Sato, C., Dilger, K.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science2021DOI
Effect of adhesive type and overlap length on the mechanical resistance of a simple overlap adhesive joint
Monteiro, J., Salgado, R.M., Da Rocha, T., Pereira, G., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Da Silva, L.F.M.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering2021DOI
Effect of creep on the mode II residual fracture energy of adhesives
Carneiro Neto, R.M., Akhavan-Safar, A., Sampaio, E.M., Assis, J.T., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science2021DOI
Effect of disassembly on environmental and recycling issues in bonded joints
Sato, C., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Akhavan-Safar, A., Da Silva, L.F.M.
Effect of reduced graphene oxide on mechanical behavior of an epoxy adhesive in glassy and rubbery states
Khabaz-Aghdam, A., Behjat, B., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Silva, L.F.M.D., Roghani-Mamaqani, H.
Journal of Composite Materials2021DOI
Effect of residual strains on the static strength of dissimilar single lap adhesive joints
Safaei, S., Ayatollahi, M.R., Akhavan-Safar, A., Moazzami, M., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2021DOI
Effect of Temperature and Moisture on the Impact Behaviour of Adhesive Joints for the Automotive Industry
Rosendo, D., Viana, G., Carbas, R., Marques, E., da Silva, L.F.
Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics2021DOI
Effect of the adhesive thickness on butt adhesive joints under torsional loads
Carbas, R.J.C., Dantas, M.A., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes2021DOI
Effect of water ingress on the mechanical and chemical properties of polybutylene terephthalate reinforced with glass fibers
Borges, C.S.P., Akhavan-Safar, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Ueffing, C., Weißgraeber, P., da Silva, L.F.M.
Effects of cyclic ageing on the tensile properties and diffusion coefficients of an epoxy-based adhesive
da Costa, J.A., Akhavan-Safar, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2021DOI
Effects of impact fatigue on residual static strength of adhesively bonded joints
Jalali, S., Ayatollahi, M.R., Akhavan-Safar, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2021DOI
Environmental effects on mode II fracture toughness of unidirectional E-glass/vinyl ester laminated composites
Salamt-Talab, M., Delzendehrooy, F., Akhavan-Safar, A., Safari, M., Bahrami-Manesh, H., Da Silva, L.F.M.
Science and Engineering of Composite Materials2021DOI
European adhesive bonder-a targeted training for portuguese professionals harmonized with european directives
Barbosa, A.Q., da Silva, L.F.M., Loureiro, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R., de Barros, S.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering2021DOI
Experimental study of the impact of glass beads on adhesive joint strength and its failure mechanism
Santos, J.P.J.R., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Gilbert, F., da Silva, L.F.M.
Fatigue life estimation of single lap adhesive joints using a critical distance criterion: An equivalent notch approach
Sousa, F.C., Akhavan-Safar, A., Goyal, R., da Silva, L.F.M.
Mechanics of Materials2021DOI
Fatigue life evaluation of adhesive joints in a real structural component
Antelo, J., Akhavan-Safar, A., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Goyal, R., da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Fatigue2021DOI
Feasibility study on hybrid weld-bonded joints using additive manufacturing and conductive thermoplastic filament
Frascio, M., Moroni, F., Marques, E., Carbas, R., Reis, M., Monti, M., Avalle, M., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes2021DOI
Flexible tubular metal-polymer adhesive joints under torsion loading
Dantas, M.A., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Kushner, D., da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2021DOI
Fracture energy assessment of adhesives Part II: Is GIIc an adhesive material property? (A neural network analysis)
Delzendehrooy, F., Beygi, R., Akhavan-Safar, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes2021DOI
Fracture energy assessment of adhesives – Part I: Is GIC an adhesive property? A neural network analysis
Akhavan-Safar, A., Beygi, R., Delzendehrooy, F., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2021DOI
Functionally graded adhesive joints under impact loads
dos Reis, M., Carbas, R., Marques, E., da Silva, L.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering2021DOI
Functionally graded adhesive joints using magnetic microparticles with a polyurethane adhesive
da Silva, C.I., Cunha, M.R.O., Barbosa, A.Q., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes2021DOI
Global-local fatigue approaches for snug-tight and preloaded hot-dip galvanized steel bolted joints
Souto, C.D.S., Gomes, V.M.G., Da Silva, L.F.R.C., Figueiredo, M.V., Correia, J.A.F.O., Lesiuk, G., Fernandes, A.A., De Jesus, A.M.P.
International Journal of Fatigue2021DOI
Influence of cork microparticles on the fracture type in single lap joints
da Silva, C.I., Barbosa, A.Q., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Akhavan-Safar, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Sc2021DOI
Influence of hygrothermal aging on the quasi-static and impact behavior of single lap joints using CFRP and aluminum substrates
Machado J.J.M., Marques E.A.S., Barbosa A.Q., da Silva L.F.M.
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures2021DOI
Joining of Polymer Matrix Composites (PMCs) - Adhesive Bonding
Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Borges, C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Mechanical Characterization of 3D Printed Specimens
Galante, J., Ramalho, G.M.F., dos Reis, M.Q., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Mixed mode fracture analysis in a ductile adhesive using semi-circular bend (SCB) specimen
Ajdani, A., Ayatollahi, M.R., da Silva, L.F.M.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics2021DOI
Mode II fracture energy of laminated composites enhanced with micro-cork particles
Akhavan-Safar, A., Salamat-Talab, M., Delzendehrooy, F., Barbosa, A.Q., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering2021DOI
Novel torsion machine to test adhesive joints
Dantas, M.A., Carbas, R.J.C., Lopes, A.M., da Silva, C.M., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering2021DOI
Numerical modelling of functionally graded adherends
dos Reis, M.Q., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science2021DOI
Polyethylene FSSW/Adhesive hybrid single strap joints: Parametric optimization and FE simulation
Adibeig, M.R., Vakili-Tahami, F., Saeimi-Sadigh, M.A., Majnoun, P., da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2021DOI
Polymer joining techniques state of the art review
Silva, L.R.R., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Welding in the World2021DOI
da Silva, L.F.M., Adams, R.D., Sato, C., Dilger, K.
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering2021DOI
Reformulation of the integrated master in mechanical engineering (Miem) at feup in two cycles of studies (bachelor and master)
da Silva, L.F.M., Seabra, J., Lopes, A.M.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering2021DOI
Review on the effect of moisture and contamination on the interfacial properties of adhesive joints
Borges, C.S.P., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Ueffing, C., Weißgraeber, P., Silva, L.F.M.D.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science2021DOI
Special Issue: 3rd International Conference on Materials Design and Applications 2020 (MDA 2020)
da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2021DOI
Stress analysis of adhesive joints
Akhavan-Safar, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Da Silva, L.F.M.
Techniques for the mechanical characterization and numerical modelling of bonded automotive structures under impact loads
Marques, E.A.S., Nunes, P.D.P., Akhavan-Safar, A., Borges, C.S.P., Carbas, R.J.C., Machado, J.J.M., Parente, M.P.L., da Silva, L.F.M.
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering2021DOI
The increase of brazilian students in a portuguese engineering school: Motivations for international mobility and the key educational challenges
Reis, M., Duarte, T., Marques, E., Borges, C., Sousa, F., Carbas, R., da Silva, L.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering2021DOI
The influence of epoxy adhesive toughness on the strength of hybrid laminate adhesive joints
Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Applied Adhesion Science2021DOI
The influence of GNP and nano-silica additives on fatigue life and crack initiation phase of Al-GFRP bonded lap joints subjected to four-point bending
Zamani, P., Jaamialahmadi, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Composites Part B: Engineering2021DOI
The inhibitory effect of stir zone liquefaction and eutectic-phase formation on the growth of gamma/beta intermetallics during dissimilar FSW of Al/Mg alloys
Beygi, R., Pouraliakbar, H., Torabi, K., Eisaabadi B., G., Fallah, V., Kim, S.K., Shi, R., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Manufacturing Processes2021DOI
Towards pure mode I loading in dissimilar adhesively bonded double cantilever beams
Moazzami, M., Ayatollahi, M.R., Teixeira de Freitas, S., da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2021DOI
A comprehensive experimental study on bi-adhesive single lap joints using DIC technique
Ramezani, F., Ayatollahi, M.R., Akhavan-Safar, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2020DOI
A new theoretical creep model of an epoxy-graphene composite based on experimental investigation: effect of graphene content
Khabaz-Aghdam A., Behjat B., da Silva L.F.M., Marques E.A.S.
Journal of Composite Materials2020DOI
A strain rate dependent cohesive zone element for mode I modeling of the fracture behavior of adhesives
Borges, C.S.P., Nunes, P.D.P., Akhavan-Safar, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Alfonso, L., Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials2020DOI
Adhesive thickness effects on the mixed-mode fracture toughness of bonded joints
Oliveira J.J.G., Campilho R.D.S.G., Silva F.J.G., Marques E.A.S., Machado J.J.M., da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2020DOI
Adhesively bonded aluminium double-strap joints: effects of patch part on failure load
Paygozar, B., Banea, M.D., Sadigh, M.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering2020DOI
Advanced Joining Processes: Welding, Plastic Deformation, and Adhesion
Da Silva, L.F.M., El-Zein, M.S., Martins, P.
Bonding dissimilar materials via adhesively bonded spot-welded joints: cohesive zone model technique
Paygozar B., Dizaji S.A., da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2020DOI
Coating cork particles with iron oxide: effect on magnetic properties
Abenojar, J., López de Armentia, S., Barbosa, A.Q., Martínez, M.A., Velasco, F., da Silva, L.F.M., del Real Romero, J.C.
Wood Science and Technology2020DOI
Creep behaviour and tensile response of adhesively bonded polyethylene joints: Single-Lap and Double-Strap
Saeimi Sadigh, M.A., Paygozar, B., da Silva, L.F.M., Martínez-Pañeda, E.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2020DOI
Displacement rate effect in the fracture toughness of glass fiber reinforced polyurethane
Reis, J.M.L., Machado, J.J.M., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Composite Materials2020DOI
da Silva, L.F.M., Martins, P., El-Zein, M., Reisgen, U.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Eng.2020DOI
da Silva, L.F.M., Martins, P.A.F., El-Zein, M.S.
Advanced Structured Materials2020DOI
da Silva, L.F.M., Adams, R.D., Sato, C., Dilger, K.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering2020DOI
da Silva, P.L.F.M., Martins, P.P., El-Zein, D.M., Reisgen, P.U.
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes2020DOI
Experimental and FE study of hybrid laminates aluminium carbon-fibre joints with different lay-up configurations
Carbas, R.J.C., Palmares, M.P., Da Silva, L.F.M.
Manufacturing Review2020DOI
Experimental and numerical analysis of cyclic aging in an epoxy-based adhesive
Moazzami, M., Ayatollahi, M.R., Akhavan-Safar, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Polymer Testing2020DOI
Experimental and numerical study of polyethylene hybrid joints: Friction stir spot welded joints reinforced with adhesive
Adibeig M.R., Marami G., Saeimi-Sadigh M.A., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2020DOI
Experimental and numerical study of the dynamic response of an adhesively bonded automotive structure
Silva, N.D.D., Machado, J.J.M., Marques, E.A.S., Moreira, P.M.G.P., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering"2020DOI
Experimental investigation, statistical modeling and multi-objective optimization of creep age forming of fiber metal laminates
Safari, M., Salamat-Talab, M., Abdollahzade, A., Akhavan-Safar, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2020DOI
Fatigue behaviour of bolted joints for rack structures
da Silva, L.F.R.C., Gomes, V.M.G., de Jesus, A.M.P., Figueiredo, M., Correia, J.A.F.O., Lesiuk, G., Fernandes, A.A.
Procedia Structural Integrity2020DOI
Fatigue crack growth analysis of different adhesive systems: Effects of mode mixity and load level
Rocha A.V.M., Akhavan-Safar A., Carbas R., Marques E.A.S., Goyal R., El-zein M., da Silva L.F.M.
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures2020DOI
Fatigue properties of combined friction stir and adhesively bonded AA6082-T6 overlap joints
Maciel, R., Bento, T., Braga, D.F.O., da Silva, L.F.M., Moreira, P.M.G.P., Infante, V.
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures2020DOI
Fracture mechanism of adhesive single-lap joints with composite adherends under quasi-static tension
Shang, X., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Barbosa, A.Q., Jiang, D., da Silva, L.F.M., Chen, D., Ju, S.
Composite Structures2020DOI
Functionally graded adherends in adhesive joints: An overview
dos Reis, M.Q., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Advanced Joining Processes2020DOI
Geometrical optimization of adhesive joints under tensile impact loads using cohesive zone modelling
Valente J.P.A., Campilho R.D.S.G., Marques E.A.S., Machado J.J.M., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2020DOI
Glass fiber-reinforced polymer nanocomposite adhesive joints reinforced with aligned carbon nanofillers
Gholami, R., Khoramishad, H., da Silva, L.F.M.
Composite Structures2020DOI
Influence of microcork particles on the lap shear strength of an epoxy adhesive subjected to fatigue loading and different environmental conditions
Akhavan-Safar, A., Barbosa, A.Q., Ayatollahi, M.R., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials2020DOI
Influence of mode mixity and loading conditions on the fatigue crack growth behaviour of an epoxy adhesive
Monteiro J., Akhavan-Safar A., Carbas R., Marques E., Goyal R., El-zein M., da Silva L.F.M.
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures2020DOI
Influence of mode mixity and loading rate on the fracture behaviour of crash resistant adhesives
Borges, C.S.P., Nunes, P.D.P., Akhavan, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Alfonso, L., Silva, L.F.M.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics2020DOI
Manufacture and testing
Carbas, R.J.C., Borges, C., Marques, E.A.S., Akhavan-Safar, A., Da Silva, L.F.M.
Mechanical characterisation of graded single lap joints using magnetised cork microparticles
da Silva, C.I., Barbosa, A.Q., Marques, J.B., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., Abenojar, J., da Silva, L.F.M.
Mechanical properties of structural adhesives enhanced with natural date palm tree fibers: Effects of length, density and fiber type
Khakpour H., Ayatollahi M.R., Akhavan-Safar A., da Silva L.F.M.
Composite Structures2020DOI
Mixed mode fracture characterization of brittle and semi-brittle adhesives using the SCB specimen
Ajdani A., Ayatollahi M.R., Akhavan-Safar A., Martins da Silva L.F.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2020DOI
Mixed mode I/III fracture behavior of adhesive joints
Akhavan-Safar, A., Ayatollahi, M.R., Safaei, S., da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Solids and Structures2020DOI
Mode II fracture energy characterization of brittle adhesives using compliance calibration method
Akhavan-Safar, A., Salamat-talab, M., Ajdani, A., Ayatollahi, M.R., da Silva, L.F.M.
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures2020DOI
Numerical analysis of mixed-mode fatigue crack growth of adhesive joints using CZM
Rocha A.V.M., Akhavan-Safar A., Carbas R., Marques E.A.S., Goyal R., El-zein M., da Silva L.F.M.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics2020DOI
Numerical assessment of strain rate in an adhesive layer throughout double cantilever beam and end notch flexure tests
Nunes, P.D.P., Borges, C.S.P., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Akhavan-Safar, A., Antunes, D.P., Lopes, A.M., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part E Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering2020DOI
Numerical modelling of multi-material graded joints under shear loading
dos Reis, M.Q., Carbas, R.J.C., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering2020DOI
Numerical study of mode I fracture toughness of carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic under an impact load
Machado, J.J.M., Nunes, P.D.P., Marques, E.A.S., Campilho, R.D.S.G., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials2020DOI
Numerical study of similar and dissimilar single lap joints under quasi-static and impact conditions
Machado J.J.M., Nunes P.D.P., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2020DOI
Numerical study on the applicability to manufacturing of contact-stress-optimised shaft-hub connections joined by lateral extrusion
Martins, P., Da Silva, L., Meissner, R.J.-P., Liewald, M., Ulrich, D., Binz, H.
Manufacturing Review2020DOI
On the effect of adhesive thickness on mode I fracture energy - an experimental and modelling study using a trapezoidal cohesive zone model
Han X., Jin Y., Da Silva L., Costa M., Wu C.
Journal of Adhesion2020DOI
On the evaluation of a critical distance approach for failure load prediction of adhesively bonded dissimilar materials
Cruz-G, C.E., Akhavan-Safar, A., da Silva, L.F.M., Ayatollahi, M.R.
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics2020DOI
Paris law relations for an epoxy-based adhesive
Rocha, A.V.M., Akhavan-Safar, A., Carbas, R., Marques, E.A.S., Goyal, R., El-Zein, M., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials2020DOI
Da Silva, L.F.M., Martins, P., El-Zein, M.S.
Advanced Joining Processes: Welding, Plastic Deformation, and Adhesion2020DOI
Progressive damage modeling of composite materials subjected to mixed mode cyclic loading using cohesive zone model
Ebadi-Rajoli J., Akhavan-Safar A., Hosseini-Toudeshky H., da Silva L.F.M.
Mechanics of Materials2020DOI
Review of tailoring methods for joints with additively manufactured adherends and adhesives
Frascio, M., de Sousa Marques, E.A., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M., Monti, M., Avalle, M.
Self-sensing FS weld-bonded joints for structural monitoring
Bento, T., Maciel, R., Braga, D.F.O., da Silva, L., Moreira, P.M.G.P., Infante, V.
Procedia Structural Integrity2020DOI
Akhavan-Safar, A., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Da Silva, L.F.M.
Special Issue on Adhesion, surface preparation and adhesive properties
da Silva, L.F.M., Adams, R.D.
Journal of Adhesion2020DOI
Special issue on joint design
da Silva, L.F.M., Adams, R.D.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2020DOI
Special Issue: Hybrid joining
da Silva, L.F.M., Martins, P., El-Zein, M., Reisgen, U.
Journal of Materials Processing Technology2020DOI
Special Issue: Laser and friction stir welding
da Silva, L.F.M., Martins, P., El-Zein, M., Reisgen, U.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design & Applications2020DOI
Static strength prediction of adhesive joints: A review
Ramalho L.D.C., Campilho R.D.S.G., Belinha J., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2020DOI
Strength improvement of adhesively bonded single lap joints with date palm fibers: Effect of type, size, treatment method and density of fibers
Delzendehrooy, F., Ayatollahi, M.R., Akhavan-Safar, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Composites Part B: Engineering2020DOI
Strength of CFRP joints reinforced with adhesive layers
Morgado M.A., Carbas R.J.C., Santos D.G.D., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2020DOI
Tensile fatigue life prediction of adhesively bonded structures based on CZM technique and a modified degradation approach
Akhavan-Safar, A., Monteiro, J., Carbas, R., Marques, E., Goyal, R., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering2020DOI
The effect of environment and fatigue loading on the behaviour of TEPs-modified adhesives
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M., Carbas R.J.C., Cavalcanti D.K.K., De Souza L.F.G.
Journal of Adhesion2020DOI
The influence of mode mixity and adhesive system on the fatigue life of adhesive joints
Sousa, F.C., Akhavan-Safar, A., Goyal, R., da Silva, L.F.M.
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures2020DOI
Thermal chamber for adhesives creep multi-station testing machine
Janeira, M.B., da Silva, C.M., Lopes, A.M., da Silva, L.F.M.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering2020DOI
A comparison between macro-element and finite element solutions for the stress analysis of functionally graded single-lap joints
Paroissien E., Lachaud F., da Silva L.F.M., Seddiki S.
Composite Structures2019DOI
A strategy to reduce delamination of adhesive joints with composite substrates
Shang, X., Marques, E.A.S., Machado, J.J.M., Carbas, R.J.C., Jiang, D., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials2019DOI
Adhesion, surface preparation and adhesive properties
da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2019DOI
Adhesive joint analysis under tensile impact loads by cohesive zone modelling
Valente J.P.A., Campilho R.D.S.G., Marques E.A.S., Machado J.J.M., da Silva L.F.M.
Composite Structures2019DOI
Adhesive joints using aluminium and CFRP substrates tested at low and high temperatures under quasi-static and impact conditions for the automotive industry
Machado J.J.M., Nunes P.D.P., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Composites Part B: Engineering2019DOI
Advanced numerical models for predicting the load and environmentally dependent behaviour of adhesives and adhesively bonded joints
de Sousa Marques E.A., Akhavan-Safar A., Campilho R.D.S.G., Carbas R.J.C., da Silva L.F.M.
An investigation on fatigue life evaluation and crack initiation of Al-GFRP bonded lap joints under four-point bending
Zamani P., Jaamialahmadi A., da Silva L.F.M., Farhangdoost K.
Composite Structures2019DOI
Application of adhesively bonded single lap joints for fracture assessment of adhesive materials
Akhavan-Safar A., Ayatollahi M.R., Bahreinian S.A., da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2019DOI
Bonded composite repair of metallic pipeline using energy release rate method
Zugliani P.A., Banea M.D., Budhe S., Carbas R.J., da Silva L.F.M., Rohem N.R.F., de Barros S.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2019DOI
Creep deformation simulation of adhesively bonded joints at different temperature levels using a modified power-law model
Sadigh M.A.S., Paygozar B., da Silva L.F.M., Tahami F.V.
Polymer Testing2019DOI
Development of a drop weight machine for adhesive joint testing
Antunes D.P.C., Lopes A.M., Da Silva C.M.S.M., Da Silva L.F.M., Nunes P.D.P., Marques E.A.S., Carbas R.J.C.
Journal of Testing and Evaluation2019DOI
Dynamic behaviour in mode I fracture toughness of CFRP as a function of temperature
Machado J.J.M., Hayashi A., Sekigushi Y., Campilho R.D.S.G., Marques E.A.S., Sato C., da Silva L.F.M.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics2019DOI
Effect of hygrothermal aging on the quasi-static behaviour of CFRP joints varying the overlap length
Machado J.J.M., Marques E.A.S., Barbosa A.Q., da Silva L.F.M.
Composite Structures2019DOI
Effect of interface non-flatness on the fatigue behavior of adhesively bonded single lap joints
Razavi S.M.J., Ayatollahi M.R., Samari M., da Silva L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and App2019DOI
Effect of notch length and pre-crack size on mode II fracture energy of brittle adhesives
Ayatollahi M.R., Ajdani A., Akhavan-Safar A., da Silva L.F.M.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics2019DOI
Failure load analysis in single lap joints - effect of adherend notching
Beigrezaee M.J., Ayatollahi M.R., Bahrami B., da Silva L.F.M.
Engineering Failure Analysis2019DOI
Fatigue performance of friction stir weld-bonded Al-Mg joints
Maciel R., Bento T., Braga D.F.O., Da Silva L.F.M., Moreira P.M.G.P., Infante V.
Procedia Structural Integrity2019DOI
Fatigue performance of hybrid overlap friction stir welding and adhesive bonding of an Al-Mg-Cu alloy
Braga D.F.O., Maciel R., Bergmann L., da Silva L.F.M., Infante V., dos Santos J.F., Moreira P.M.G.P.
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures2019DOI
Fatigue performance of single lap joints with CFRP and aluminium substrates prior and after hygrothermal aging
Machado J.J.M., Marques E.A.S., Barbosa A.Q., da Silva L.F.M.
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures2019DOI
Fifty years of the Journal of Adhesion
de Barros, S., Barbastefano, R.G., de Souza, C.G., da Silva, L.F.M., Sharpe, L.
Journal of Adhesion2019DOI
Functionally graded adhesive joints by using thermally expandable particles
Bonaldo J., Banea M.D., Carbas R.J.C., Da Silva L.F.M., De Barros S.
Journal of Adhesion2019DOI
Guest editorial
Da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2019DOI
Journal of Materials – Design and Applications: Twenty years of contributions to the materials technology
Barros, S.D., Barbastefano, R.G., Souza, C.G.D., Silva, L.F.M.D.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials2019DOI
Mechanical characterization of a modern epoxy adhesive for automotive industry
dos Reis M.Q., Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M., Carbas R.J.C.
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering2019DOI
Mechanical characterization of intralaminar natural fibre-reinforced hybrid composites
Cavalcanti D.K.K., Banea M.D., Neto J.S.S., Lima R.A.A., da Silva L.F.M., Carbas R.J.C.
Composites Part B: Engineering2019DOI
Mode II modeling of adhesive materials degraded by fatigue loading using cohesive zone elements
Monteiro J., Akhavan-Safar A., Carbas R., Marques E., Goyal R., El-zein M., da Silva L.F.M.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics2019DOI
Prediction of the critical stress intensity factor of single-lap adhesive joints using a coupled ratio method and an analytical model
Rastegar S., Ayatollahi M.R., Akhavan-Safar A., da Silva L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and App2019DOI
da Silva, L.F.M.
Advanced Structured Materials2019SCOPUS
Reinforcement of CFRP joints with fibre metal laminates and additional adhesive layers
Santos D.G.D., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Composites Part B: Engineering2019DOI
Reinforcement of CFRP single lap joints using metal laminates
Morgado M.A., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Composite Structures2019DOI
Research on microstructure and mechanical properties of explosively welded stainless steel/commercially pure Ti plate
Martins, P., Da Silva, L., Malek, M., Wachowski, M., Kosturek, R.
Manufacturing Review2019DOI
Review on techniques to improve the strength of adhesive joints with composite adherends
Shang X., Marques E.A.S., Machado J.J.M., Carbas R.J.C., Jiang D., da Silva L.F.M.
Composites Part B: Engineering2019DOI
Special Issue: 2nd International Conference on Materials Design and Applications 2018 (MDA 2018)
da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials2019DOI
Strain rate dependence of a crash resistant adhesive as a function of temperature for the automotive industry
Machado, J.J.M., Hayashi, A., Nunes, P.D.P., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., Sato, C., da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials2019DOI
Strength improvement in single lap adhesive joints by notching the adherends
Bahrami B., Ayatollahi M.R., Beigrezaee M.J., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2019DOI
The mechanical response of a structural epoxy adhesive reinforced with carbon black nanoparticles
Carbas R.J.C., Da Silva L.F.M., Andrés L.F.S.
Microscopy and Microanalysis2019DOI
A cohesive zone element for mode I modelling of adhesives degraded by humidity and fatigue
Costa M., Viana G., Créac'hcadec R., da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
International Journal of Fatigue2018DOI
Adhesion technology recap: Current and emerging areas
da Silva L.F.M., Öchsner A., Adams R.D.
Adhesive bonding of polymer composites to lightweight metals
Campilho R.D.S.G., da Silva L.F.M., Banea M.D.
Adhesive thickness influence on the shear fracture toughness measurements of adhesive joints
Figueiredo J.C.P., Campilho R.D.S.G., Marques E.A.S., Machado J.J.M., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2018DOI
Adhesives and adhesive joints under impact loadings: An overview
Machado J.J.M., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2018DOI
Design rules and methods to improve joint strength
da Silva L.F.M., Marques E.A.S., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Effect of carbon black nanoparticles concentration on the mechanical properties of a structural epoxy adhesive
Carbas R.J.C., da Silva L.F.M., Andrés L.F.S.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and App2018DOI
Effect of humidity on the mechanical properties of adhesively bonded aluminium joints
Costa, M., Viana, G., da Silva, L.F.M., Campilho, R.D.S.G.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials2018DOI
Effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes and silicon carbide nanoparticles on the deleterious influence of water absorption in adhesively bonded joints
Khoramishad H., Alizadeh O., da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2018DOI
Effect of reinforcements at different scales on mechanical properties of epoxy adhesives and adhesive joints: a review
Nemati Giv A., Ayatollahi M.R., Ghaffari S.H., da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2018DOI
Effect of temperature and moisture on the tensile properties of a TEPS-modified adhesive
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M., Carbas R., Barros S.D.E.
Materiale Plastice2018SCOPUS
Effect of temperature and moisture on the tensile properties of a TEPS-modified adhesive
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M., Carbas R., Barros S.D.E.
Materiale Plastice2018DOI
Effect of the natural aging process on the shear strength of FRP composite single lap joints
Hunter-Alarcón R.A., Vizán A., Peréz J., Leyrer J., Hidalgo P., Pavez B., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2018DOI
Effect of water on the behaviour of adhesives modified with thermally expandable particles
Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M., Carbas R.J.C., Barbosa A.Q., de Barros S., Viana G.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2018DOI
Experimental and numerical analysis of hybrid adhesively-bonded scarf joints
Alves D.L., Campilho R.D.S.G., Moreira R.D.F., Silva F.J.G., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2018DOI
Exploring the use of deep neural networks for sales forecasting in fashion retail
Loureiro A.L.D., Miguéis V.L., da Silva L.F.M.
Decision Support Systems2018DOI
Failure strength tests
da Silva L.F.M., Carbas R.J.C., Banea M.D.
Fatigue resistance of an aluminium one-component polyurethane adhesive joint for the automotive industry: Effect of surface roughness and adhesive thickness
Boutar Y., Naïmi S., Mezlini S., Carbas R.J.C., da Silva L.F.M., Ben Sik Ali M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2018DOI
First edition preface
da Silva, L.F.M., Öchsner, A., Adams, R.D.
Handbook of Adhesion Technology: Second Edition2018DOI
Handbook of Adhesion Technology: Second Edition
da Silva L.F.M., Öchsner A., Adams R.D.
Improvement in impact strength of composite joints for the automotive industry
Machado J.J.M., Gamarra P.M.-R., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Composites Part B: Engineering2018DOI
Influence of dissimilar composite adherends on the mechanical adhesion of bonded joints for small blade wind turbine applications
Hunter-Alarcon R.A., Leyrer J., Leal E., Vizan A., Perez J., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2018DOI
Influence of low and high temperature on mixed adhesive joints under quasi-static and impact conditions
Machado J.J.M., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Composite Structures2018DOI
Introduction to adhesive bonding technology
da Silva, L.F.M., Öchsner, A., Adams, R.D.
Handbook of Adhesion Technology: Second Edition2018DOI
Mechanical behaviour of adhesively bonded composite single lap joints under quasi-static and impact conditions with variation of temperature and overlap
Machado J.J.M., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Composite Materials2018DOI
Micro failure analysis of adhesively bonded joints enhanced with natural cork particles: Impact of overlap length and particles volume fraction
Akhavan-Safar A., Queirós Barbosa A., da Silva L.F.M., Ayatollahi M.R.
Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale2018DOI
Mode I fracture energy of one-component polyurethane adhesive joints as function of bond thickness for the automotive industry
Boutar Y., Naïmi S., Daami T., Mezlini S., da Silva L.F.M., Ali M.B.S.
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering2018DOI
Multi-material adhesive joints for automotive industry
Banea M.D., Rosioara M., Carbas R.J.C., da Silva L.F.M.
Composites Part B: Engineering2018DOI
Numerical study of impact behaviour of mixed adhesive single lap joints for the automotive industry
Machado J.J.M., Marques E.A.S., Silva M.R.G., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2018DOI
Numerical study of the behaviour of composite mixed adhesive joints under impact strength for the automotive industry
Machado J.J.M., Gamarra P.M.-R., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Composite Structures2018DOI
Principles of adhesive bonding
Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Residual static strength and the fracture initiation path in adhesively bonded joints weakened with interfacial edge pre-crack
Akhavan-Safar A., Ayatollahi M.R., Rastegar S., da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2018DOI
Second edition preface
da Silva, L.F.M., Öchsner, A., Adams, R.D.
Handbook of Adhesion Technology: Second Edition2018DOI
Simplified stress analysis of functionally graded single-lap joints subjected to combined thermal and mechanical loads
Paroissien E., da Silva L.F.M., Lachaud F.
Composite Structures2018DOI
Special Issue on Adhesion, Surface Preparation and Adhesive Properties
da Silva, L.F.M., Adams, R.D.
Journal of Adhesion2018DOI
Special issue on joint design
da Silva L.F.M., Adams R.D.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2018DOI
Strain rate dependence of adhesive joints for the automotive industry at low and high temperatures
Viana G., Machado J., Carbas R., Costa M., da Silva L.F.M., Vaz M., Banea M.D.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2018DOI
The role of T-stress and stress triaxiality combined with the geometry on tensile fracture energy of brittle adhesives
Akhavan-Safar A., Ayatollahi M.R., Moazzami M., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2018DOI
A review on the temperature and moisture degradation of adhesive joints
Viana G., Costa M., Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and App2017DOI
An apparatus for mixed-mode fracture characterization of adhesive joints
Costa M., Carbas R., Marques E., Viana G., da Silva L.F.M.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics2017DOI
An investigation on the strength of single lap adhesive joints with a wide range of materials and dimensions using a critical distance approach
Akhavan-Safar A., da Silva L.F.M., Ayatollahi M.R.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2017DOI
An updated review of adhesively bonded joints in composite materials
Budhe S., Banea M.D., de Barros S., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2017DOI
Analysis of the effect of size, amount and surface treatment on the tensile strain of a brittle adhesive reinforced with micro cork particles
Barbosa A.Q., da Silva L.F.M., Abenojar J., Figueiredo M.
Applied Adhesion Science2017DOI
Analytical modelling for the single-lap joint
Da Silva L.F.M., Costa M., Viana G., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Behaviour of environmentally degraded epoxy adhesives as a function of temperature
Viana G., Costa M., Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2017DOI
Characterization of aluminium one-component polyurethane adhesive joints as a function of bond thickness for the automotive industry: Fracture analysis and behavior
Boutar Y., Naïmi S., Mezlini S., da Silva L.F.M., Ben Sik Ali M.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics2017DOI
Cohesive properties of environmentally degraded epoxy adhesives
Viana, G., Costa, M., Banea, M.D., da Silva, L.F.M.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering2017DOI
Debonding on command of multi-material adhesive joints
Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M., Carbas R.J.C., de Barros S.
Journal of Adhesion2017DOI
Determination of the fracture envelope of an adhesive joint as a function of moisture: Bestimmung der Bruchumgebung für das Versagen einer Klebeverbindung als Funktion der Feuchtigkeit
Rodrigues T.A.F., Chaves F.J.P., da Silva L.F.M., Costa M., Barbosa A.Q.
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik2017DOI
Dynamic behaviour of composite adhesive joints for the automotive industry
Araújo H.A.M., Machado J.J.M., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Composite Structures2017DOI
Editorial TS: Papers from the 3rd Luso-Brazilian conference on adhesion and adhesives (CLBA2016), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 25–27 January 2016
da Silva, L.F.M., de Barros, S.
Applied Adhesion Science2017DOI
Effect of humidity on the fatigue behaviour of adhesively bonded aluminium joints
Costa M., Viana G., da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures2017DOI
Effect of material on the mechanical behaviour of adhesive joints for the automotive industry
Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M., Carbas R., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2017DOI
Effect of the structural reinforcement of composite adherends on the mechanical strength of adhesive joints [Einfluss strukturverstärkender Fügeteile auf die mechanische Festigkeit von Klebeverbindungen]
Hunter R., Vizán A., Peréz J., Möller J., Leyrer J., Silva L.F.M.D.
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik2017DOI
Environmental effect on the fatigue degradation of adhesive joints: A review
Costa M., Viana G., da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Journal of Adhesion2017DOI
Fatigue performance of adhesively bonded single lap joints with non-flat sinusoid interfaces
Ayatollahi M.R., Samari M., Razavi S.M.J., da Silva L.F.M.
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures2017DOI
Fracture toughness in Mode i (GIC) for ductile adhesives
Gálvez P., Carbas R.J.C., Campilho R., Abenojar J., Martínez M.A., Da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series2017DOI
Functionally graded adhesive joints by graded mixing of nanoparticles
Carbas R.J.C., da Silva L.F.M., Andrés L.F.S.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2017DOI
Impact of geometry on the critical values of the stress intensity factor of adhesively bonded joints
Akhavan-Safar A., Ayatollahi M.R., Rastegar S., da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2017DOI
Influence of Ductility Ingredients of Structural Adhesives on Fracture Energy under Static Mixed-Mode Loading
Nakada S., Furusawa T., Yokoi E., Carbas R., Costa M., Marques E., Viana G., da Silva L.F.M.
SAE Technical Papers2017DOI
Micro cork particles as adhesive reinforcement material for brittle resins
Barbosa A.Q., da Silva L.F.M., Öchsner A., Marques E.A.S., Abenojar J.
Advanced Structured Materials2017DOI
Mixed adhesive joints for the aerospace industry
Marques, E.A.S., Campilho, R.D.S.G., Flaviani, M., Da Silva, L.F.M.
Mixed-mode fracture response of metallic fiber-reinforced epoxy adhesive
Razavi S.M.J., Ayatollahi M.R., Esmaeili E., da Silva L.F.M.
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids2017DOI
Mode I fracture toughness of CFRP as a function of temperature and strain rate
Machado J.J.M., Marques E.A.S., Campilho R.D.S.G., da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Composite Materials2017DOI
Mode II fracture toughness of CFRP as a function of temperature and strain rate
Machado J.J.M., Marques E.A.S., Campilho R.D.S.G., da Silva L.F.M.
Composites Part B: Engineering2017DOI
Moisture and temperature degradation of double cantilever beam adhesive joints
Viana G., Costa M., Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2017DOI
Multiobjective optimization of mechanical properties based on the composition of adhesives
Paiva R.M.M., António C.A.C., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design2017DOI
Overview of different strength prediction techniques for single-lap bonded joints
De Sousa C.C.R.G., Campilho R., Marques E.A.S., Costa M., Da Silva L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and App2017DOI
Papers from the 3rd Luso-Brazilian Conference on Adhesion and Adhesives (CLBA2016), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 25–27 January 2016
de Barros, S., da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2017DOI
Parameter identification in cohesive zone modelling
Campilho, R.D.S.G., Costa, M., Viana, G., Da Silva, L.F.M.
Predicting static strength in adhesively bonded single lap joints using a critical distance based method: Substrate thickness and overlap length effects
Khoramishad H., Akhavan-Safar A., Ayatollahi M.R., Da Silva L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and App2017DOI
Prediction of joint strength and effect of the surface treatment on the single overlap adhesive joints
Giesteira, F.A.G., Marques, E.A.S., Carbas, R.J.C., da Silva, L.F.M.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering2017DOI
da Silva, L.F.M.
Advanced Structured Materials2017SCOPUS
Special issue: First international conference on materials design and applications 2016
Da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials2017DOI
Static assessment of the mixed-mode behaviour of three epoxy adhesives
Costa M., Carbas R., Benedita M., Marques E., Viana G., da Silva L.F.M., Yokoi E., Nakada S., Furusawa T.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics2017DOI
Strength and failure modes of single-L adhesive joints between aluminium and composites
Domingues N.R.E., Trojan J.C., Campilho R.D.S.G., Carbas R.J.C., Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M.
Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais2017DOI
Strength prediction of adhesively bonded single lap joints with different bondline thicknesses: A critical longitudinal strain approach
Akhavan-Safar A., Ayatollahi M.R., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Solids and Structures2017DOI
The influence of water on the fracture envelope of an adhesive joint
Fernandes P., Viana G., Carbas R.J.C., Costa M., da Silva L.F.M., Banea M.D.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics2017DOI
Toughness of a brittle epoxy resin reinforced with micro cork particles: Effect of size, amount and surface treatment
Barbosa A.Q., da Silva L.F.M., Abenojar J., Figueiredo M., Öchsner A.
Composites Part B: Engineering2017DOI
Use of master curves based on time-temperature superposition to predict creep failure of aluminium-glass adhesive joints
Marques E.A.S., Carbas R.J.C., Silva F., da Silva L.F.M., de Paiva D.P.S., Magalhães F.D.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2017DOI
Water diffusion in double cantilever beam adhesive joints
Viana G., Costa M., Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M.
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures2017DOI
Adhesives in the footwear industry
Paiva, R.M.M., Marques, E.A.S., da Silva, L.F.M., António, C.A.C., Arán-Ais, F.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications2016DOI
Aluminium friction-stir weld-bonded joints
Braga D.F.O., De Sousa L.M.C., Infante V., Da Silva L.F.M., Moreira P.M.G.P.
Journal of Adhesion2016DOI
Behaviour under impact of mixed adhesive joints for the automotive industry
Silva M.R.G., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures2016DOI
Comparative failure assessment of single and double lap joints with varying adhesive systems
Nunes S.L.S., Campilho R.D.S.G., Da Silva F.J.G., De Sousa C.C.R.G., Fernandes T.A.B., Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2016DOI
Damage analysis of composite-aluminium adhesively-bonded single-lap joints
Ribeiro T.E.A., Campilho R.D.S.G., da Silva L.F.M., Goglio L.
Composite Structures2016DOI
Effect of adhesive thickness and surface roughness on the shear strength of aluminium one-component polyurethane adhesive single-lap joints for automotive applications
Boutar Y., Naïmi S., Mezlini S., Da Silva L.F.M., Hamdaoui M., Ben Sik Ali M.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2016DOI
Effect of low temperature on tensile strength and mode i fracture energy of a room temperature vulcanizing silicone adhesive
Marques E.A.S., Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M., Carbas R.J.C., Sato C.
Journal of Testing and Evaluation2016DOI
Effect of temperature and strain rate on single lap joints with dissimilar lightweight adherends bonded with an acrylic adhesive
Avendaño R., Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M., Fernandes A.A.
Composite Structures2016DOI
Effect of the size reduction on the bulk tensile and double cantilever beam specimens used in cohesive zone models
Costa M., Viana G., Canto C., Da Silva L.F.M., Banea M.D., Chaves F., Campilho R.D.S.G., Fernandes A.A.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and App2016DOI
Experimental and numerical failure analysis of aluminium/composite single-L joints
Domingues N.R.E., Campilho R.D.S.G., Carbas R.J.C., Da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2016DOI
Geometrical study of mixed adhesive joints for high-temperature applications
Marques E.A.S., Campilho R.D.S.G., Da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2016DOI
Impact Loading of Single Lap Joints of Dissimilar Lightweight Adherends Bonded with a Crash-Resistant Epoxy Adhesive
Avendanõ R., Carbas R.J.C., Chaves F.J.P., Costa M., Da Silva L.F.M., Fernandes A.A.
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Transactions of the ASME2016DOI
Methods to increase the toughness of structural adhesives with micro particles: An overview with focus on cork particles
Barbosa A.Q., Da Silva L.F.M., Banea M.D., Öchsner A.
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik2016DOI
Optimal design of adhesive composition in footwear industry based on creep rate minimization
Paiva R.M.M., António C.A.C., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology2016DOI
Single lap joints numerical modelling and comparison with experimental testing
Braga, D.F.O., da Silva, L.F.M., Moreira, P.M.G.P.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering2016DOI
Special issue on adhesion, surface preparation and adhesive properties
Da Silva, L.F.M., Adams, R.D.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2016DOI
Special issue on joint design
Da Silva, L.F.M., Adams, R.D.
Journal of Adhesion2016DOI
Strength and damage growth in composite bonded joints with defects
Ribeiro F.M.F., Campilho R.D.S.G., Carbas R.J.C., da Silva L.F.M.
Composites Part B: Engineering2016DOI
A Study on Microstructure Characteristics of TEPs-modified Adhesives
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Microscopy and Microanalysis2015DOI
Adhesive selection for single lap bonded joints: Experimentation and advanced techniques for strength prediction
Fernandes T.A.B., Campilho R.D.S.G., Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2015DOI
Adhesive thickness effects of a ductile adhesive by optical measurement techniques
Campilho R.D.S.G., Moura D.C., Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2015DOI
Advanced techniques for estimation of the tensile fracture toughness of adhesive joints
Campilho R.D.S.G., Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M.
Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale2015DOI
Aluminum Friction Stir Weldbonding
Braga D.F.O., De Sousa L.M.C., Infante V., Da Silva L.F.M., Moreira P.M.G.P.
Procedia Engineering2015DOI
Composite repair in wind turbine blades: An overview
Katnam K.B., Comer A.J., Roy D., Da Silva L.F.M., Young T.M.
Journal of Adhesion2015DOI
Debonding on command of adhesive joints for the automotive industry
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M., Carbas R.J.C.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2015DOI
Design of adhesively-bonded composite joints
da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
da Silva, L.F.M.
U.Porto Journal of Engineering2015DOI
Effect of Carbon Black Nanoparticles Concentration on Mechanical Properties of an Epoxy Adhesive Cured by Dielectric Heating
Carbas R.J.C., Da Silva L.F.M., Andrés L.F.S.
Microscopy and Microanalysis2015DOI
Effect of post-cure on adhesively bonded functionally graded joints by induction heating
Carbas R.J.C., Da Silva L.F.M., Critchlow G.W.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and App2015DOI
Effect of the surface treatment in polyurethane and natural leather for the footwear industry
Paiva R.M.M., Marques E.A.S., Da Silva L.F.M., António C.A.C.
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik2015DOI
Experimental estimation of the mechanical and fracture properties of a new epoxy adhesive
Monteiro J.P.R., Campilho R.D.S.G., Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Applied Adhesion Science2015DOI
Functionally graded adhesive patch repairs of wood beams in civil applications
Carbas R.J.C., Viana G.M.S.O., Da Silva L.F.M., Critchlow G.W.
Journal of Composites for Construction2015DOI
Hygrothermal aging of an adhesive reinforced with microparticles of cork
Barbosa A.Q., Da Silva L.F.M., Öchsner A.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2015DOI
Influence of the temperature on the fracture energy of a methacrylate adhesive for mining applications
Moller J., Hunter R., Molina J., Vizán A., Peréz J., da Silva L.F.M.
Applied Adhesion Science2015DOI
Kinetic analysis and characterization of an epoxy/cork adhesive
Barbosa A.Q., Da Silva L.F.M., Abenojar J., Del Real J.C., Paiva R.M.M., Öchsner A.
Thermochimica Acta2015DOI
Mode I fatigue and fracture behaviour of adhesively-bonded carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite joints
Campilho R.D.S.G., da Silva L.F.M.
Papers from the 2nd Luso-Brazilian conference on adhesion and adhesives (CLBA2014), Porto, Portugal, 24-25 July 2014
De Barros, S., Da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2015DOI
Sensitivity and optimization of peel strength based on composition of adhesives for footwear industry
Paiva R.M.M., António C.A.C., Da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2015DOI
Special issue on primary bonded repairs in composite structures
Katnam, K.B., Da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2015DOI
Special Issue: Papers from the 3rd International Conference on Structural Adhesive Bonding (AB 2015), Porto, Portugal, 2–3 July 2015
da Silva, L.F.M., Adams, R.D.
Applied Adhesion Science2015DOI
Structural adhesives modified with thermally expandable particles
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M., Carbas R.J.C., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Journal of Adhesion2015DOI
Surface treatment effect in thermoplastic rubber and natural leather for the footwear industry
Paiva R.M.M., Marques E.A.S., Da Silva L.F.M., Antõnio C.A.C.
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik2015DOI
Tensile Strength of a Brittle Epoxy Resin Reinforced with Micro Cork Particles: Effect of Size, Amount and Surface Treatment
Barbosa A.Q., Da Silva L.F.M., Abenojar J., Figueiredo M., Öchsner A.
Microscopy and Microanalysis2015DOI
Testing and simulation of mixed adhesive joints for aerospace applications
Marques E.A.S., Da Silva L.F.M., Flaviani M.
Composites Part B: Engineering2015DOI
Absorption and glass transition temperature of adhesives exposed to water and toluene
Zhang Y., Adams R.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2014DOI
Adherend thickness effect on the tensile fracture toughness of a structural adhesive using an optical data acquisition method
Campilho R.D.S.G., Moura D.C., Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2014DOI
Adhesive joints for low- and high-temperature use: An overview
Marques E.A.S., Da Silva L.F.M., Banea M.D., Carbas R.J.C.
Journal of Adhesion2014DOI
Adhesively bonded functionally graded joints by induction heating
Carbas R.J.C., Da Silva L.F.M., Critchlow G.W.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2014DOI
Advanced design for lightweight structures: Review and prospects
Braga D.F.O., Tavares S.M.O., Da Silva L.F.M., Moreira P.M.G.P., De Castro P.M.S.T.
Progress in Aerospace Sciences2014DOI
Cohesive Zone and Extended Finite Element modelling for bonded joint strength prediction
Campilho R.D.S.G., Fernandes T.A.B., Banea M.D., Silva L.F.M.D.
Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Fascicle XII, Welding Equipment and Technology2014SCOPUS
Debonding of adhesively bonded joints
Banea M.D., Silva L.F.M.D., Carbas R.J.C., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Fascicle XII, Welding Equipment and Technology2014SCOPUS
Determination of the strain distribution in adhesive joints using Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG)
Da Silva L.F.M., Moreira P.M.G.P., Loureiro A.L.D.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2014DOI
Development of a torsion pendulum and its application to measuring the dynamic modulus of adhesives from pre-gelation to the cured state
Yu H., Adams R.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
Measurement Science and Technology2014DOI
Editorial for thematic series: 1st Luso-Brazilian conference on adhesion and adhesives
da Silva, L.F., de Barros, S.
Applied Adhesion Science2014DOI
Editorial TS: 2nd international conference on structural adhesive bonding
da Silva, L.F.M., Adams, R.D.
Applied Adhesion Science2014DOI
Effect of cure temperature on the glass transition temperature and mechanical properties of epoxy adhesives
Carbas R.J.C., Marques E.A.S., Da Silva L.F.M., Lopes A.M.
Journal of Adhesion2014DOI
Effect of surface treatments on natural cork: Surface energy, adhesion, and acoustic insulation
Abenojar J., Barbosa A.Q., Ballesteros Y., Del Real J.C., Da Silva L.F.M., Martínez M.A.
Wood Science and Technology2014DOI
Effect of temperature on the shear strength of aluminium single lap bonded joints for high temperature applications
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2014DOI
Effect of the amount of cork particles on the strength and glass transition temperature of a structural adhesive
Barbosa A.Q., Da Silva L.F.M., Öchsner A.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and App2014DOI
Effects of curing cycle and thermal history on the glass transition temperature of adhesives
Zhang Y., Adams R.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2014DOI
Fracture characterization of bonded joints using the dual actuator load apparatus
Chaves F.J.P., De Moura M.F.S.F., Da Silva L.F.M., Dillard D.A.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2014DOI
Fracture mechanics tests in adhesively bonded joints: A literature review
Chaves F.J.P., Da Silva L.F.M., De Moura M.F.S.F., Dillard D.A., Esteves V.H.C.
Journal of Adhesion2014DOI
Guest editorial
De Barros, S., Da Silva, L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2014DOI
Guest editorial
Da Silva, L.F.M., Adams, R.D.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials2014DOI
Guest Editorial
Da Silva, L.F.M., Adams, R.D.
Journal of Adhesion2014DOI
Guest editorial
Da Silva, L.F.M., Öchsner, A., Adams, R.D.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2014DOI
Mechanical and thermal characterization of a structural polyurethane adhesive modified with thermally expandable particles
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M., Carbas R.J.C., Campilho R.D.S.G.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2014DOI
Modelling of functionally graded adhesive joints
Carbas R.J.C., Da Silva L.F.M., Madureira M.L., Critchlow G.W.
Journal of Adhesion2014DOI
Smart adhesive joints: An overview of recent developments
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G., Sato C.
Journal of Adhesion2014DOI
Special issue on joint design
Da Silva, L.F.M., Adams, R.D.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2014DOI
The effect of adhesive thickness on the mechanical behavior of a structural polyurethane adhesive
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Journal of Adhesion2014DOI
The use of the boundary element method in the analysis of single lap joints
Gonçalves D.J.S., Campilho R.D.S.G., Da Silva L.F.M., Fernandes J.L.M.
Journal of Adhesion2014DOI
A rapid method of measuring the glass transition temperature using a novel dynamic mechanical analysis method
Zhang Y., Adams R.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2013DOI
An assay to screen bacterial adhesion to mucus biomolecules
Tkachenko A., Da Silva L., Hearne J., Parveen S., Waguespack Y.
Letters in Applied Microbiology2013DOI
An overview of the technologies for adhesive debonding on command
Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Fascicle XII, Welding Equipment and Technology2013SCOPUS
Bonded repair of composite aircraft structures: A review of scientific challenges and opportunities
Katnam K.B., Da Silva L.F.M., Young T.M.
Progress in Aerospace Sciences2013DOI
Characterization of aluminium single-lap joints for high temperature applications
Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G., de Jesus A.M.P.
Materials Science Forum2013DOI
Characterization of composite bonded joints under pure mode II fatigue loading
Fernández M.V., De Moura M.F.S.F., Da Silva L.F.M., Marques A.T.
Composite Structures2013DOI
Development of a dilatometer and measurement of the shrinkage behaviour of adhesives during cure
Yu H., Adams R.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2013DOI
Effect of post-cure on the glass transition temperature and mechanical properties of epoxy adhesives
Carbas R.J.C., Da Silva L.F.M., Marques E.A.S., Lopes A.M.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2013DOI
Feasibility of the extended finite element method for the simulation of composite bonded joints
Campilho R.D.S.G., Pinto A.M.G., Banea M.D., Chaves F.J.P., da Silva L.F.M.
Materials Science Forum2013DOI
Fracture toughness determination of adhesive and co-cured joints in natural fibre composites
Campilho R.D.S.G., Moura D.C., Gonçalves D.J.S., Da Silva J.F.M.G., Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
Composites Part B: Engineering2013DOI
Guest editorial
De Barros, S., Da Silva, L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2013DOI
Importance of the surface treatment in the peeling strength of joints for the shoes industry
Paiva R.M., Marques E.A., da Silva L.F., Vaz M.A.
Applied Adhesion Science2013DOI
Influence of the cohesive law parameters on the strength prediction of adhesively-bonded joints
Campilho R.D.S.G., Chaves F.J.P., Pinto A.M.G., Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M.
Materials Science Forum2013DOI
Low velocity impact and flexural performance of sandwich structures with cork and polymer foam cores
Arteiro A., Reis A.L.M.A., Nóvoa P.J.R.O., Silva L.F.M., Zupan M., Marques A.T.
Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais2013DOI
Mechanical characterization of a high elongation and high toughness epoxy adhesive
Saldanha D.F.S., Canto C., Da Silva L.F.M., Carbas R.J.C., Chaves F.J.P., Nomura K., Ueda T.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2013DOI
Mixed-mode i + II fatigue/fracture characterization of composite bonded joints using the Single-Leg Bending test
Fernández M.V., De Moura M.F.S.F., Da Silva L.F.M., Marques A.T.
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing2013DOI
Modelling adhesive joints with cohesive zone models: Effect of the cohesive law shape of the adhesive layer
Campilho R.D.S.G., Banea M.D., Neto J.A.B.P., Da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2013DOI
Numerical validation of a crack equivalent method for mixed-mode I+II fracture characterization of bonded joints
Chaves F.J.P., de Moura M.F.S.F., da Silva L.F.M., Dillard D.A.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics2013DOI
Single lap joints loaded in tension with ductile steel adherends
Karachalios E.F., Adams R.D., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2013DOI
Single lap joints loaded in tension with high strength steel adherends
Karachalios E.F., Adams R.D., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2013DOI
Strength of single lap joints with artificial defects
Karachalios E.F., Adams R.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2013DOI
Strength prediction of adhesively bonded joints under cyclic thermal loading using a cohesive zone model
Hu P., Han X., Da Silva L.F.M., Li W.D.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2013DOI
Tensile behaviour of a structural adhesive at high temperatures by the extended finite element method
Campilho R.D.S.G., Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2013DOI
The behaviour of single lap joints under bending loading
Karachalios E.F., Adams R.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2013DOI
Utilization of microparticles of cork as reinforcing material for fragile structural adhesives [Utilização de micro partículas de cortiça como material de reforço em adesivos estruturais fràgeis]
Barbosa A.Q., Da Silva L.F.M., Öchsner A., Abenojar J., Del Real J.C.
Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais2013DOI
Advances in numerical modelling of adhesive joints
da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Effect of temperature on tensile strength and mode i fracture toughness of a high temperature epoxy adhesive
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2012DOI
Guest editorial
Da Silva, L.F.M., Öchsner, A., Adams, R.D.
Journal of Adhesion2012DOI
Guest Editorial
Da Silva, L.F.M., Andreas Öchsner, Adams, R.D.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2012DOI
High temperature adhesives for aerospace applications [Adezivi rezisten?i la temperaturi ridicate utiliza?i în aplica?ii aerospa?iale]
Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Fascicle XII, Welding Equipment and Technology2012SCOPUS
Higher Rate and Impact Tests
Da Silva L.F.M., Adams R.D., Blackman B.R.K., Goglio L., Peroni M., Sato C., Dilger K., Frauenhofer M., Kreling S.
Influence of the size and amount of cork particles on the impact toughness of a structural adhesive
Barbosa A.Q., Da Silva L.F.M., Öchsner A., Abenojar J., Del Real J.C.
Journal of Adhesion2012DOI
Innovative finite element techniques for strength prediction of bonded joints [Tehnici inovative de analiz? cu elemente finite a rezisten?ei îmbin?rilor lipite]
Campilho R.D.S.G., Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M.
Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Fascicle XII, Welding Equipment and Technology2012SCOPUS
Manufacture of quality specimens
Da Silva L.F.M., Giannis S., Adams R.D., Nicoli E., Cognard J.-Y., C?eac'hcadec R., Blackman B.R.K., Singh H.K., Frazier C.E., Sohier L., Gineste B.
Mode II fracture toughness of adhesively bonded joints as a function of temperature: Experimental and numerical study
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Journal of Adhesion2012DOI
Modelling of single-lap joints using cohesive zone models: Effect of the cohesive parameters on the output of the simulations
Campilho R.D.S.G., Banea M.D., Neto J.A.B.P., Da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2012DOI
Moulds design for adhesive bulk and joint specimens manufacturing
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Assembly Automation2012DOI
Optimization study of hybrid spot-welded/bonded single-lap joints
Campilho R.D.S.G., Pinto A.M.G., Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2012DOI
Other Test Methods
Comyn J., Da Silva L.F.M., Adams R.D., Dillard D.A., Li Y., Khabiry M., Wan K., Davies P.
Parametric study of adhesive joints with composites
Neto J.A.B.P., Campilho R.D.S.G., Da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2012DOI
Öchsner, A., da Silva, L.F.M., Altenbach, H.
Advanced Structured Materials2012DOI
Öchsner, A., Da Silva, L.F.M., Altenbach, H.
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik2012DOI
Quasi-Static Constitutive and Strength Tests
Da Silva L.F.M., Roumagnac P., Heuillet P., Duncan B., Anderson G.L., Adams R.D., Cognard J.-Y., C?eac'hcadec R., Sohier L., Gineste B., Abenojar J., Martinez M.A., Ballesteros Y., Del Real J.C.
Substituting conventional steel alloys by carbon fibre composites in structural parts of an existing laser cutting equipment
Vieira D.G.P., Meireles J.F., Nunes J.P., Da Silva L.F.M.
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik2012DOI
Testing Adhesive Joints, Best Practices
da Silva L.F.M., Dillard D.A., Blackman B., Adams R.D.
Analysis of crack growth behavior in a double cantilever beam adhesive fracture test by different digital image processing techniques
Richter-Trummer V., Marques E.A., Chaves F.J.P., Tavares J.M.R.S., Da Silva L.F.M., De Castro P.M.S.T.
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik2011DOI
Comparative evaluation of bonded, welded and weldbonded structural joints
Campilho R.D.S.G., Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M.
Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Fascicle XII, Welding Equipment and Technology2011SCOPUS
Composite bonded joints under mode i fatigue loading
Fernández M.V., De Moura M.F.S.F., Da Silva L.F.M., Marques A.T.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2011DOI
Effects of temperature and loading rate on the mechanical properties of a high temperature epoxy adhesive
Banea M.D., De Sousa F.S.M., Da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G., De Pereira A.M.B.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2011DOI
Experimental analysis of the influence of hydrostatic stress on the behaviour of an adhesive using a pressure vessel
Cognard J.Y., Créac'Hcadec R., Da Silva L.F.M., Teixeira F.G., Davies P., Peleau M.
Journal of Adhesion2011DOI
Experimental study of silicone-epoxy dual adhesive joints for high temperature aerospace applications
Marques E.A.S., Magalhães D.N.M., Da Silva L.F.M.
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik2011DOI
EXtended Finite Element Method for fracture characterization of adhesive joints in pure mode i
Campilho R.D.S.G., Banea M.D., Chaves F.J.P., Silva L.F.M.D.
Computational Materials Science2011DOI
Fracture toughness of a structural adhesive under mixed mode loadings
Da Silva L.F.M., Esteves V.H.C., Chaves F.J.P.
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik2011DOI
Fracture toughness of bulk adhesives in mode i and mode III and curing effect
Chen Z., Adams R.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Fracture2011DOI
Guest Editorial
Da Silva, L.F.M., Öchsner, A.
Journal of Adhesion2011DOI
Guest editorial
Da Silva, L.F.M., Öchsner, A.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2011DOI
Influence of the size and amount of cork particles on the toughness of a structural adhesive
Barbosa A.Q., Da Silva L.F.M., Carbas R.C., Abenojar J., Del Real J.C.
Particle-Based Methods II - Fundamentals and Applications2011SCOPUS
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives: Guest editorial
Da Silva, L.F.M., Öchsner, A.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2011DOI
Key Engineering Materials: Preface
Öchsner, A., Da Silva, L.F.M., Altenbach, H.
Key Engineering Materials2011DOI
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik: Preface
Öchsner, A., Silva, F.M.
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik2011DOI
Mechanical characterization of a high temperature epoxy adhesive
Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Fascicle XII, Welding Equipment and Technology2011SCOPUS
Mode i fracture toughness of adhesively bonded joints as a function of temperature: Experimental and numerical study
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2011DOI
Numerical analysis of the dual actuator load test applied to fracture characterization of bonded joints
Chaves F.J.P., De Moura M.F.S.F., Da Silva L.F.M., Dillard D.A.
International Journal of Solids and Structures2011DOI
Prediction of crack initiation and propagation of adhesive lap joints using an energy failure criterion
Chen Z., Adams R.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics2011DOI
da Silva, L.F.M., Pirondi, A., Öchsner, A.
Advanced Structured Materials2011DOI
Single lap joints with rounded adherend corners: Experimental results and strength prediction
Zhao X., Adams R.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2011DOI
Single lap joints with rounded adherend corners: Stress and strain analysis
Zhao X., Adams R.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2011DOI
Strength improvement of adhesively-bonded joints using a reverse-bent geometry
Campilho R.D.S.G., Pinto A.M.G., Banea M.D., Silva R.F., Da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2011DOI
Strength prediction of single- and double-lap joints by standard and extended finite element modelling
Campilho R.D.S.G., Banea M.D., Pinto A.M.G., Da Silva L.F.M., De Jesus A.M.P.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2011DOI
Study of influence of substrate topography on stress distribution in structural adhesive joints
Teixeira F.G., Da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2011DOI
Technology of mixed adhesive joints
da Silva L.F.M.
Advanced Structured Materials2011DOI
The use of the J-integral vector to analyse adhesive bonds with and without a crack
Chen Z., Adams R.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2011DOI
A new method for the determination of bending moments in single lap joints
Zhao X., Adams R.D., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2010DOI
Analysis of the influence of hydrostatic stress on the behaviour of an adhesive in a bonded assembly
Cognard J.Y., Créac'Hcadec R., Maurice J., Davies P., Peleau M., Da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2010DOI
Comparison of the mechanical behaviour between stiff and flexible adhesive joints for the automotive industry
Loureiro A.L., Da Silva L.F.M., Sato C., Figueiredo M.A.V.
Journal of Adhesion2010DOI
Correlation analysis of MAG robotized welding parameters by the Taguchi technique
De Figueiredo M.V., Fernandes A.A., Da Silva L.F.M.
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik2010DOI
Effect of grooves on the strength of adhesively bonded joints
Da Silva L.F.M., Ferreira N.M.A.J., Richter-Trummer V., Marques E.A.S.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2010DOI
Experimental engineering and applications
Öchsner, A., da Silva, L.F.M.
Experimental Mechanics2010DOI
Experimental engineering and applications
Öchsner, A., Da Silva, L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc.2010DOI
IDMEC - Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto Concise presentation with focus on aeronautics R&D
De Castro P.M.S.T., Camanho P.P., Da Silva L.F.M., Moreira P.M.G.P.
International Journal of Structural Integrity2010DOI
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives: Guest editorial
Da Silva, L.F.M., Chsner, A.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2010DOI
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology: Guest editorial
Da Silva, L.F.M., Öchsner, A.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2010DOI
Journal of Adhesion: Guest Editorial
Da Silva, L.F.M., Oechsner, A.
Journal of Adhesion2010DOI
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik: Preface
Öchsner, A., Da Silva, L.F.M.
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik2010DOI
Mode II fracture toughness of a brittle and a ductile adhesive as a function of the adhesive thickness
Da Silva L.F.M., De Magalhães F.A.C.R.G., Chaves F.J.P., De Moura M.F.S.F.
Journal of Adhesion2010DOI
Öchsner, A., da Silva, L.F.M., Altenbach, H.
Advanced Structured Materials2010DOI
Shear modulus and strength of an acrylic adhesive by the Notched Plate Shear Method (Arcan) and the Thick Adherend Shear Test (TAST)
Pinto A.M.G., Magalhães A.G., Campilho R.D.S.G., Silva L.F.M., Chousal J.A.G., Baptista A.P.M.
Materials Science Forum2010DOI
Static and fatigue behaviour of room temperature vulcanising silicone adhesives for high temperature aerospace applications
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik2010DOI
Temperature dependence of the fracture toughness of adhesively bonded joints
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2010DOI
Testing of RTV silicone adhesives for high temperature applications
Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M., Campilho R.D.S.G.
Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Fascicle XII, Welding Equipment and Technology2010SCOPUS
The effect of temperature on the mechanical properties of adhesives for the automotive industry
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and App2010DOI
Adhesively bonded joints in composite materials: An overview
Banea M.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and App2009DOI
Analysis of mixed adhesive bonded joints part I: Theoretical formulation
Das Neves P.J.C., Da Silva L.F.M., Adams R.D.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2009DOI
Analysis of mixed adhesive bonded joints part II: Parametric study
Das Neves P.J.C., Da Silva L.F.M., Adams R.D.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2009DOI
Analytical models of adhesively bonded joints-Part I: Literature survey
da Silva L.F.M., das Neves P.J.C., Adams R.D., Spelt J.K.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2009DOI
Analytical models of adhesively bonded joints-Part II: Comparative study
da Silva L.F.M., das Neves P.J.C., Adams R.D., Wang A., Spelt J.K.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2009DOI
Development of a computer program for the design of adhesive joints
Da Silva L.F.M., Lima R.F.T., Teixeira R.M.S.
Journal of Adhesion2009DOI
Effect of material, geometry, surface treatment and environment on the shear strength of single lap joints
da Silva L.F.M., Carbas R.J.C., Critchlow G.W., Figueiredo M.A.V., Brown K.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2009DOI
Effect of the temperature on the strength of adhesively bonded single lap and T joints for the automotive industry
Grant L.D.R., Adams R.D., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2009DOI
Experimental and numerical analysis of clinch (hemflange) joints used in the automotive industry
Grant L.D.R., Adams R.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2009DOI
Experimental and numerical analysis of single-lap joints for the automotive industry
Grant L.D.R., Adams R.D., da Silva L.F.M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2009DOI
Experimental and numerical analysis of T-peel joints for the automotive industry
Grant L.D.R., Adams R.D., Da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2009DOI
Experiments on single lap joints with flexible adhesives
Banea M., Da Silva L.
Metalurgia International2009SCOPUS
Guest editorial
da Silva, L.F.M., Öchsner, A.
Journal of Adhesion2009DOI
Joint strength optimization by the mixed-adhesive technique
da Silva L.F.M., Lopes M.J.C.Q.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2009DOI
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology: Guest editorial
Da Silva, L.F.M., Öchsner, A.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2009DOI
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik: Preface
Öchsner, A., Silva, L.F.M.D.
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik2009DOI
Mechanical characterization of flexible adhesives
Banea M.D., da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2009DOI
Special Issue on Durability of adhesive joints
da Silva, L.F.M., Öchsner, A.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2009DOI
Adhesively bonded T-joints in polyvinyl chloride windows
Chaves F.J.P., Da Silva L.F.M., De Castro P.M.S.T.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and App2008DOI
Alternative methods to measure the adhesive shear displacement in the thick adherend shear test
Da Silva L.F.M., Da Silva R.A.M., Chousal J.A.G., Pinto A.M.G.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2008DOI
Complex joint geometry
Öchsner A., Da Silva L.F.M., Adams R.D.
Effect of temperature on the mechanical and bonding properties of a carbon-reinforced bismaleimide
Da Silva L.F.M., Adams M.D.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and App2008DOI
Joint strength optimization of adhesively bonded patches
Marques E.A.S., da Silva L.F.M.
Journal of Adhesion2008DOI
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology: Guest editorial
Da Silva, L.F.M., Öchsner, A.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2008DOI
Modeling of adhesively bonded joints
Da Silva L.F.M., Öchsner A.
Parametric study of adhesively bonded single lap joints by the taguchi method
Da Silva L.F.M., Critchlow G.W., Figueiredo M.A.V.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2008DOI
Special topic issue on structural adhesive joints
da Silva, L.F.M., Öchsner, A.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2008DOI
Adhesive joints at high and low temperatures using similar and dissimilar adherends and dual adhesives
da Silva L.F.M., Adams R.D.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2007DOI
An overview on fatigue analysis of aeronautical structural details: Open hole, single rivet lap-joint, and lap-joint panel
de Castro P.M.S.T., de Matos P.F.P., Moreira P.M.G.P., da Silva L.F.M.
Materials Science and Engineering A2007DOI
Joint strength predictions for adhesive joints to be used over a wide temperature range
da Silva L.F.M., Adams R.D.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2007DOI
Techniques to reduce the peel stresses in adhesive joints with composites
F M da Silva L., D Adams R
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2007DOI
Effect of adhesive type and thickness on the lap shear strength
da Silva L.F.M., Rodrigues T.N.S.S., Figueiredo M.A.V., de Moura M.F.S.F., Chousal J.A.G.
Journal of Adhesion2006DOI
Stress-free temperature in a mixed-adhesive joint
Da Silva L.F.M., Adams R.D.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2006DOI
Measurement of the mechanical properties of structural adhesives in tension and shear over a wide range of temperatures
Da Silva L.F.M., Adams R.D.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2005DOI
Manufacture of adhesive joints and bulk specimens with high-temperature adhesives
Da Silva L.F.M., Adams R.D., Gibbs M.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2004DOI
Fatigue crack growth of rails for railways
Da Silva L.F.M., Stewardson D.J., De Oliveira F.M.F., De Castro P.M.S.T.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit2003DOI
The strength of adhesively bonded T-joints
Da Silva L.F.M., Adams R.D.
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives2002DOI
Applicability of the SPATE technique to the detection of hidden cracks
Silva L.F.M., Gonçalves J.P.M., Oliveira F.M.F., De Castro P.M.S.T.
NDT and E International2000DOI
Multiple-site damage in riveted lap-joints: experimental simulation and finite element prediction
Silva L.F.M., Gonçalves J.P.M., Oliveira F.M.F., De Castro P.M.S.T.
International Journal of Fatigue2000DOI