Dear colleague,
I would like to inform you of the 4th International Conference on Industrial Applications of Adhesives 2026, which will take place in Guimarães, Portugal, 5-6 March 2026 (link). The conference venue is the small luxury hotel Pousada Mosteiro, which offers excellent facilities for high quality scientific interactions. The hotel is located near the historic city of Guimarães, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is classified as a monument of public interest, since the hotel facities were initially a 12th century monastery built by the 1st Queen of Portugal, Dona Mafalda.
The conference is chaired by Lucas F. M. da Silva and co-chaired by R. D. Adams (University of Oxford, UK), Chiaki Sato (Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Holger Fricke (Fraunhofer IFAM, Germany). The focus will be on applications of adhesive bonding in the industry such as automotive, aeronautic, railway, marine, energy, electronics, etc. The idea is to bring together the adhesive makers and the adhesive users to exchange experiences and facilitate potential synergies and partnerships. In this link, you can find the programme of the 3rd International Conference on Industrial Applications of Adhesives IAA 2024, so that you can have an idea of the type of participants and themes treated in IAA conferences.
The scientific committee includes Alireza Akhavan (INEGI, Portugal), Andreas Lutz (Dupont, Switzerland), Anne Dussaud (Momentive, USA), Arunjunai Raj Mahendran (Wood KPlus, Austria), Cristina Frutuoso (Colquímica, Portugal), David Ruch (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg), Eduardo Marques (INEGI, Portugal), Ewen Kellar (The Welding Institute, UK), Francisca Arán-Ais (INESCOP Innovation and Technology Centre, Spain), Frida Gilbert (Arcelor Mittal, France), Jana Hrachova (SABIC, Netherlands), Jean-Philippe Court (Cold Pad, France), Jens Kosmann (DLR, Germany), Jun Que (Sika, Switzerland), Kimiyoshi Naito (NIMS, Japan), Koji Kamiyama (MitsubishiElectric, Japan), Łukasz Sadowski (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland), Maxime Olive (Rescoll, France), Nao Terasaki (AIST, Japan), Nicolas Cuvillier (SAFRAN, France), Patrick Stihler (Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany), Philipp Weißgraeber (University of Rostock, Germany), Ricardo Carbas (INEGI, Portugal), Romain Créac'hcadec (ENSTA, France), Ryo Ogawa (Adeka, Japan), Stefan Böhm (University of Kassel, Germany), Stephen Howe (Sunstar, USA), Stefan Kreling (Airbus, Germany), Yusuke Takahashi (Kobe Steel, Japan).
Authors who wish to make a presentation (oral or poster) are requested to submit a short abstract (one single A4 page, possibly with a diagram and references) in English, by 31 October 2025. The abstracts should be sent electronically to The abstract template can be downloaded from the conference web site. Conference proceedings (CD-ROM) with the accepted abstracts will be available at registration. The CD-ROM will have an ISBN number.
Full papers will be published in special issues of:
The full length papers (not compulsory) should be sent to before the 5th of March 2026. The text should be in single column format and double line spacing.
Important dates
31 October 2025 Abstract submission deadline
14 November 2025 Notification of acceptance to authors
5 December 2025 Early bird registration
5 March 2026 Submission of full length papers (not compulsory)
Yours sincerely,
Lucas F. M. da Silva
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Editor-in-Chief of:
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP)
Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEMec)
Rua Dr Roberto Frias
4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Phone: +351 22 50 81 706, email:, web: