Dear colleague,
I would like to inform you about the 2nd International Conference on Vehicle Body Engineering that will take place in Porto, Portugal, 6-7 November 2025 (link).
The conference venue is the campus of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), which offers excellent facilites for high quality scientific interactions. FEUP is located in the town of Porto, in the Northern region of Portugal. Porto is a beautiful and lively city, steeped in history and rich in great experiences. With its magnificient location by the Atlantic coast, Porto is the city of the world famous Port Wine and the River Douro.
This conference is held every two years and is chaired by me and Dr. Eduardo A. S. Marques (University of Porto, Portugal).
The focus of this conference is the study on the design of the structural components of vehicle bodies, for the automotive, aerospace and railway sectors. Among the topics covered are road vehicle structural design, aeronautical structural design, rolling stock structural design, material testing, structural testing, manufacture of complex structures, structural joining methods, structural monitoring, self-healing structures, numerical simulation of structures, numerical simulation of structural components, multibody simulation, impact performance of structures, dynamic behaviour of structures, durability of structures, fatigue design of complex structures and structural ligthtweighing techniques.
The scientific committee includes:
Aleksander Olejnik (Military University of Technology, Poland), Alessandro Scattina (Politecnico di Torino, Italy), Andris Chate (Čate) (Riga Technical University, Latvia), Araliya Mosleh (University of Porto, Portugal), Bruno Castanié (INSA Toulouse, France), Carlos Chaves (EMBRAER, Brazil), Christoph David (German Aerospace Center, Germany), Fabian Duddeck (Technical University of Munich, Germany), Fabian Fischer (Volkswagen AG, Germany), Giovanni Belingardi (Politecnico di Torino, Italy), Guangyong Sun (Hunan University, China), Mahmood M Shokrieh (Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran), Nuno Peixinho (University of Minho, Portugal), William Altenhof (Engineering University of Windsor, Canada), Volnei Tita (University of São Paulo, Brazil) and Xiao Han (Dalian University of Technology, China).
Authors who wish to make a presentation (oral or poster) are requested to submit a short abstract (one single A4 page possibly with a diagram and references) in English, by 13 June 2025. The abstracts should be sent electronically to Indicate in the email if you want oral or poster presentation. The abstract template can be downloaded from the conference web site.
Conference proceedings with the accepted abstracts will be available at the registration. The Book of Abstracts will have an ISBN number.
Full papers will be considered for publication in special and regular issues of the following journals (provided they meet the journals standard): Discover Mechanical Engineering (Springer), U.Porto Journal of Engineering (University of Porto), and in the book series Proceedings in Engineering Mechanics - Research, Technology and Education (Springer). The full papers (not compulsory) should be sent to the e-mail before the 6th of November 2025. The text should be in single column format and double line spacing.
Important dates
13 June 2025 Abstract submission deadline
27 June 2025 Notification of acceptance to authors
25 July 2025 Early bird registration
Yours sincerely,
Lucas F. M. da Silva
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Editor-in-Chief of:
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP)
Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEMec)
Rua Dr Roberto Frias
4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Phone: +351 22 50 81 706, email:, web: